4.15.1BangAndOlufsenbangolufsenbeolabbeolab14boboplayexpensivehdpostcrossHomeTheaterspeakerssurround soundSurroundSound Bang & Olufsen intros Beolab 14 surround speakers, considered 'entry-level' at $3,995 By غير معرف - 5:27 م - Add Comment Bang & Olufsen has been known to occasionally lower the price floor on its line of A/V gear. Continuing in that direction, the company ...
hdpostcrossHome TheaterHomeTheaterlgspotify LG adds free Spotify trial to its latest range of home theater gear By غير معرف - 3:10 م - Add Comment If you needed any more enticement to splash out on one of LG's new home entertainment products, then perhaps some streaming music migh...
audiohdpostcrossHomeTheatermusicplaybarreviewsonossoundbarstreamingwireless Sonos Playbar review: an excellent (and expensive) home theater addition By غير معرف - 4:10 م - Add Comment Sonos has found a sweet spot in the audio world. Its wireless technology and ability to stream music from almost any source -- be it fro...
audioHomeTheaterpanasonicSC-HTB370SC-HTB65SC-HTB70SC-HTB770speakerssubwoofer Panasonic reveals pricing for 2013 home theater systems, March availability By غير معرف - 6:21 ص - Add Comment pring is right around the corner, which means it's time for a new home theater system, or at least that's what Panasonic would hav...
hdpostcrossHomeTheaterHomeTheaterPcHTPCmediaplayermediaportalmediaportal1.3microsoftwindows8opensourcewindows8 MediaPortal 1.3 exits beta with official Windows 8 support, revamped skins By غير معرف - 3:40 م - Add Comment MediaPortal 1.3 is throwing its hat in the air today after graduating from beta to full release status. The Titan skin intended for 1080...