3d printing3DPrintingarduinoeducationKinectnortheasternNortheastern UniversityNortheasternUniversityrehabilitationRISEvideo RISE:2013 highlights: Kinect rehab, Lego lobsters, 3D printed tech and more By غير معرف - 11:37 ص - Add Comment We were excited and honored when the administration at Northeastern University asked us to help judge its RISE:2013 Research, Innovation an...
CamBoardcameraFruitNinjaGestureKinectPico Fruit Ninja meets real Ninja with CamBoard's Pico gesture camera (video) By غير معرف - 3:52 م - Add Comment You can play Fruit Ninja with your fingertips, you can play it with your eyes, so it's reasonable enough that hand waving should con...
GestureControlInputDeviceKinectmicrosoftMicrosoftResearchresearchvideo Microsoft Research brings mid-air multitouch to Kinect (video) By غير معرف - 1:59 م - Add Comment Shortly after the Kinect SDK first launched, it spawned a number of inspired efforts from researchers to make it do more than just track ...