microsoftproSurfaceSurfaceProtabletUKUnitedKingdomwindows8 Microsoft Surface Pro coming to the UK on May 23rd starting at £719 By غير معرف - 5:28 م - Add Comment Microsoft has a good excuse for the Surface Pro's late arrival in the UK: the company claims that demand in the US stripped its cupboard...
3d3dTvBespokecustomdvrhdpostcrossloewereferenceidtelevisiontvUK Loewe Reference ID TV hits the UK in July with full customization and a 1TB DVR By غير معرف - 4:45 م - Add Comment Loewe has staked its success in the TV market on personalized designs, and it's taking that concept to its logical extreme with the up...
appchallengecontestencryptioniosmessagingredactredactsecuremessengersecurityUK Redact offers £10,000 if you crack its messaging app, bets UK government you can't By غير معرف - 5:12 م - Add Comment Software developers looking to kickstart (or simply brag about) their security have a common trick up their sleeve: give away prizes to s...
AndroidasusasusfonepadfonepadUKUnitedKingdom ASUS FonePad ships April 26th in the UK, up for pre-order now By غير معرف - 2:25 م - Add Comment Back when ASUS first introduced that unorthodox FonePad to the masses at MWC, the Taiwanese company said the 7-inch device would be arri...
akoyap2004all-in-oneallinoneasdadesktoplenovomedionPCUKwindows8 Medion Akoya P2004 gives the UK an understated 24-inch all-in-one for £500 By غير معرف - 10:16 ص - Add Comment Medion isn't the best-known PC badge outside of Europe, but it does have an occasional eye for sleek design. We'd say the Lenovo-b...
AndroidbudgetG510huaweijellybeanmobilepostcrossUKVodafoneUK Huawei G510 heads to Vodafone UK, puts Jelly Bean on a budget By غير معرف - 5:11 م - Add Comment Huawei's G510 isn't what you'd call a screamer. In fact, the handset's more of what the Chinese market refers to as a ...
Australiaitalylumia720minipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostmininokiao2PayAsYouGoprepaidsmartphoneUKvirginmobilewindowsphoneWindowsPhone8 Nokia Lumia 720 starts shipping, costs £300 prepaid at O2 UK By غير معرف - 2:50 م - Add Comment Nokia courted fashionistas back at Mobile World Congress with the Lumia 720, and it's ready to embrace them more fully now that the s...
GalaxyNotegalaxynote8learninghubmusichubsamsungsamsungexperiencesamsunggalaxynotesamsunggalaxynote8tabletUK Samsung Galaxy Note 8 arrives at one UK store: £339 for the WiFi-only, 16GB model By غير معرف - 2:48 م - Add Comment Have you been feeling a bit like a UK-based Goldilocks? The Galaxy Note II's too small, the Note 10.1 a trifle too big, but the Note 8...
AndroidasiaEuropeGermanyhtcHtcOnelaunchmobilepostcrossnorthamericaonesmartphoneUK HTC One officially hits Germany, UK and Taiwan next week, other regions before the end of Apri By غير معرف - 11:33 ص - Add Comment There's been an uncertainty hovering over just when the HTC One would make its formal debut, between delays in many areas and a trick...
4geegalaxys4mobilepostcrossPreOrderreleasedatesamsungUK Samsung Galaxy S 4 gets April 26th UK release date, pre-orders start March 28th By غير معرف - 12:05 م - Add Comment Was that late April launch date for the Galaxy S 4 a little too vague for you? Well, fortunate British readers, you get something a litt...
3gapplefrandiphonelawsuitmobilepostcrosspatentsrulingsamsungsmartphonestandards-essentialUKverdict Samsung loses UK lawsuit against Apple over 3G data By غير معرف - 1:13 م - Add Comment Samsung hasn't been catching many breaks in its court battles with Apple as of late, and that trend isn't quite over yet. A UK cou...
55-inch55EM970VharrodshdpostcrosshdtvlgoledUK LG's 55-inch OLED HDTV gets UK launch details: £9,999, ships in July By غير معرف - 12:55 م - Add Comment Nearly a year after LG first showed off the production design for its 55-inch OLED HDTV and just as it begins shipping in Korea and the US...
androidappiosappmobilepostcrosso2o2tugoo2uktugoUKvideovoipwindows7 O2's TU Go software spreads your phone number across multiple devices By غير معرف - 4:41 م - Add Comment Between Skype, Google Voice, Viber and several smaller players, there are plenty of platform-agnostic services vying to put your voice thr...
mobilepostcrosssonyThree UKThreeUkUKXperia ZXperiaZ Sony Xperia Z priced at £529, less if you buy it from Three By غير معرف - 7:36 ص - Add Comment The humble islanders who inhabit Great Britain are waking up to the news that Sony's Xperia Z ha...