ATIV OdysseyAtivOdysseyleakltemicrosoftmobilepostcrosssamsungus cellularUsCellularwindows phoneWindows Phone 8windowsphoneWindowsPhone8wp8 ATIV Odyssey for US Cellular leaked in promo materials By غير معرف - 4:33 ص - Add Comment US Cellular's been promising a WP8 handset for quite some time now, and it looks like the company's about to deliver exactly that. A...
ascendevleakshuaweihuaweiascendw2leakmobilepostcrossw2Windows Phone 8WindowsPhone8 Huawei Windows Phone appears in render, said to be the Ascend W2 By غير معرف - 8:21 ص - Add Comment It feels almost unfaithful to the Ascend W1 to be looking at a potential sequel already, but that's what evleaks claims this is. How h...
huaweiHuawei w1HuaweiW1microsoftmobilepostcrosssmartphonew1walmartwindows phoneWindows Phone 8windowsphoneWindowsPhone8wp8 Huawei W1, the company's first Windows Phone 8 device, comes to the US in prepaid form By غير معرف - 1:14 م - Add Comment Huawei and the United States government may have their differences, but here's something we can all agree on: Walmart's going to se...
Lumia 620Lumia620microsoftmobilepostcrossnokiaWindows Phone 7.8Windows Phone 8windowsphone7.8WindowsPhone8 Nokia confirms Windows Phone 7.8 coming to the UK today By غير معرف - 9:58 ص - Add Comment Brits who ground their fingers to stumps hammering their Lumia's update button will finally be abl...