mobilepostcrossndroid4.1smartphonesonysonyxperiasonyxperiamXperiaxperiam Sony unveils the Xperia M: 4-inch FWVGA display, dual-core 1GHz CPU, 5MP camera By غير معرف - 4:14 ص - Add Comment Sony's just announced a new handset will be joining its Xperia line-up this year: the Xperia M. Much like the Xperia L, it's aimed ...
AndroidaospopensourcesonytabletXperiaxperiatabletz Sony brings Android Open Source Project to Xperia Tablet Z By غير معرف - 3:04 م - Add Comment Sony gifted its flagship Xperia Z smartphone with an Android Open Source Project (AOSP) build just last month, and now the stock operating ...
AndroidattbellcincinnatibelljellybeanmobilepostcrossreviewrogerssmartphonesonyvideovideotronXperiaxperiazl Sony Xperia ZL review: a giant phone in a surprisingly compact frame By غير معرف - 5:02 م - Add Comment Sony took a rather unusual path with its flagship smartphone for 2013: it designed the hardware twice. The Xperia Z is ostensibly the star o...
bluetoothdualshockdualshock3mobilepostcrosssonyXperiaxperiasp Finally, you can bring a DualShock 3 with you to play mobile phone games By غير معرف - 5:06 ص - Add Comment On Sony's upcoming Xperia SP mobile handset, you'll be able to control various PlayStation Mobile titles using the PlayStation 3...
AndroidbellcanadaminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminirogerssmartphonesonyvideotronXperiaxperiazl Sony Xperia ZL reaches Canada through Bell, Rogers and Videotron By غير معرف - 6:05 ص - Add Comment While we're still waiting on an American carrier to officially release Sony's Xperia ZL , it turns out that Canadians don't h...
AndroidapprovalfccfilingsonytabletwifiXperiaxperiatabletz Sony Xperia Tablet Z passes through the FCC in WiFi trim By غير معرف - 4:12 م - Add Comment Sure, we've seen Sony dissect the Xperia Tablet Z to show its inner workings, but that doesn't get the slate any closer to its spr...
AndroidFirmwareUpdateGalaxyMiracastnetgearnexusOptimuxPTV3000Xperia Netgear PTV3000 updated, supports Miracast-ready Android devices By غير معرف - 5:08 ص - Add Comment Interested in Miracast-ing from an Andoid phone via your Netgear Push2TV PTV3000 adapter? Want to know what all that meant? It's under...