acerAcerAspireV3computexcomputex2013haswellminipostrefreshV3v7 Acer upgrades its PCs with Haswell, new models include the Aspire V7 Ultrabook By غير معرف - 4:11 ص - Add Comment This is hardly the biggest Acer news of the week (that would be this, this and this), but it's worth a PSA nonetheless. Now that Intel...
acerAcer Aspire R7AcerAspireR7aspire r7AspireR7hands-onlaptopultrabookultrabooksvideo Acer intros Aspire R7, a laptop with an adjustable display like an all-in-one By غير معرف - 3:06 م - Add Comment When Acer plans a global press event, asking journalists to fly in from twelve time zones away, you know it's going to announce more t...
aceratomiconiaiconiaw3PCtabletw3windows8z2760 Acer Iconia W3 reportedly leaks, mates an 8-inch tablet with Windows 8 By غير معرف - 4:25 م - Add Comment Microsoft has repeatedly told us that we'll see smaller Windows 8 tablets, but all that talk has amounted to precious little walk. If...
acerlaptopPCstartrekStarTrekIntoDarknessteasertiltvideowindows8 Acer teases May 3rd reveal of a tilt-screen laptop deemed worthy of Star Trek By غير معرف - 4:20 م - Add Comment Our eyebrows are officially raised. Acer has revealed that it's going all-in with a promotional connection to Star Trek Into Darkness , ...
aceravailabilitychromechromebookChromeOsgooglehpinternationallaptopssamsung Chromebooks from Acer, HP and Samsung heading to six new countries By غير معرف - 7:51 ص - Add Comment If Chromebooks from Acer, HP and Samsung have struck your fancy but haven't been available in your country, your fortune might have ...
acerc7c710-2055chromebookChromeOsgooglelaptop Acer now selling C7 Chromebook with more battery life By غير معرف - 6:18 م - Add Comment When we got our hands on Acer's initial C7 Chromebook, our chief gripe was its frankly disappointing 4-hour battery life. We now kno...
acerAndroidDA220HQLhands-onSmartDisplayDA220HQL Acer intros its first Android-based all-in-one, the Smart Display DA220HQL (hands-on) By غير معرف - 3:30 م - Add Comment Android-powered monitors / all-in-ones aren't exactly a novel concept, but it's definitely a...
acerAndroidhands-onLiquidE1liquidz2mobilepostcrossmwc2013 Acer Liquid E1 and Liquid Z2 smartphones hands-on By غير معرف - 3:29 م - Add Comment Last week, Acer got out in front of the Mobile World Congress madness by reintroducing its Liquid E1 smartphone and announcing the new Liqui...
acerBelkindockThunderbolt ExpressThunderboltExpress Belkin's $299 Thunderbolt Express dock now up for pre-order By غير معرف - 5:51 م - Add Comment Unless there's any more last-minute tweaks, those fussy perfectionists at Belkin are ready to lift...
acerchipcpumediatekprocessortablet MediaTek plans a tablet-focused processor for Q3 By غير معرف - 6:36 م - Add Comment MediaTek may have only just reached quad-core smartphones in earnest, but its aims are expanding -- ...
acerAndroidatomIcecreamSandwichintellexingtonliquidc1minipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminismartphonethailandz2420 Acer intros Liquid C1 smartphone packing Intel Lexington By غير معرف - 10:09 ص - Add Comment Remember that unnamed Acer phone we caught skulking about Intel's CES event? It's been given a ...
acerAndroidiconiamediatektablet Acer hints at very low-cost, quad-core 8- and 10-inch tablets By غير معرف - 5:39 م - Add Comment Acer pushed the boundaries of price for major brand tablets with its $150 Iconia B1. It's not a...
acerAndroidLiquidE1minipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostmini Acer announces Liquid E1 phone with 4.5-inch qHD display, Android 4.1.1 By غير معرف - 11:55 ص - Add Comment Acer just added another smartphone to its Liquid E line of mid-range handsets, and it's called, unsurprisingly enough, the Liquid E1. ...