amazonlegostar trekstar warsstartrekStarWarsteslaThisWeekInGreen ملاهي الفقاعة الخضراء ليوفر X-أجنحة وأحذية المولدة للطاقة النظيفة By غير معرف - 2:26 م - Add Comment كل أسبوع من أصدقائنا في ملهى خلاصة التطورات الخضراء الأكثر إثارة للاهتمام في الأسبوع وأخبار التكنولوجيا النظيفة بالنسبة لنا-فمن الأسبوع با...
4kamazonhdpostcrosshdpostminiminipostqvcseikitelevisiontigerdirecttvultrahd Seiki officially prices its 50-inch 4K TV at $1,500 with a late April launch By غير معرف - 4:20 م - Add Comment When Seiki's 4K TV set popped up on retail listings with a price that's just a fraction of what we've seen from its more expen...
acquireacquisitionamazonBusinesse booke bookse readere readerse-booke-bookse-readere-readersgoodreadsindustryrecommendationssocial Amazon acquires Goodreads, aims to make better recommendations for Kindle users By غير معرف - 5:08 م - Add Comment So, Amazon has a reading platform called Kindle. Goodreads has a platform that makes fairly excellent suggestions when it comes to readi...
amazonAmazonKindleFireHdamazonkindlefirehd8.9Europefirehd8.9japankindlefirehdkindlefirehd8.9pricecut Kindle Fire HD 8.9 launched in Europe and Japan, gets permanent price cut in the USA By غير معرف - 3:51 م - Add Comment Amazon today launched its largest slate, the Kindle Fire HD 8.9, in Europe (the UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain, to be exact) and Jap...
amazonasusasusvivobookasusvivobooks500laptopmicrosoftwindows8VivobookS500windows8 ASUS VivoBook S500 / S550 Windows 8 laptops now on sale for $699 and up By غير معرف - 7:46 ص - Add Comment With Books, Pads, Tabs, Fones and the intriguing Transformer AiO, we can only wonder what else ASUS has in the stockroom. Recently liber...
amazonamazonkindleAmazonKindleFireHdamazonkindlefirehd8.9e booke bookse readere readerse-booke-bookse-readere-readersjapankindlekindlefirekindlefirehdkindlefirehd8.9 Kindle Fire HD 8.9 up for pre-order in Japan, ships March 12th By غير معرف - 3:23 م - Add Comment Amazon decided last year it was time to take the Kindle brand to Japan, but for some reason, the Fir...
amazonAndroidco-stargooglegoogletvhdpostcrosshdpostminiinstantvideom-gominipostpairingvizioVoiceSearchvuduYoutube Vizio Co-Star update brings new Google TV UI By غير معرف - 5:50 م - Add Comment Vizio's Co-Star hub is still one of the cheapest points of entry into the Google TV world, so it...