arduinoArduino RobotArduinoRobotComplubothands-onMakerFaireMakerFaire2013Massimo BanziMassimoBanzirobotvideo Arduino Robot launches at Maker Faire, we go hands-on By غير معرف - 6:04 م - Add Comment There's a new kid on the Arduino block, and it's called the Arduino Robot. Launched yesterday at Maker Faire Bay Area, it's the ...
arduinoarnoshieldboardeducationlearningmicrocontrollerolympiacircuitsshield Olympia Circuits' Arno Shield lets Arduino newcomers bring their own board By غير معرف - 5:21 م - Add Comment While there have certainly been attempts at easing the Arduino learning curve, many of these still demand a new board or simplify just one...
3d printing3DPrintingarduinoeducationKinectnortheasternNortheastern UniversityNortheasternUniversityrehabilitationRISEvideo RISE:2013 highlights: Kinect rehab, Lego lobsters, 3D printed tech and more By غير معرف - 11:37 ص - Add Comment We were excited and honored when the administration at Northeastern University asked us to help judge its RISE:2013 Research, Innovation an...
arduinoArdunioUnobandBionicleGuiseppeAcitolegomidimusicvideo Lego Bionicles drafted into Arduino-driven band with synthesizers and more (video) By غير معرف - 7:44 ص - Add Comment Italian sound designer and producer Guiseppe Acito wanted to kick off his newly established blog with some fanfare. Naturally, that meant...
arduinoengadget-expandexpandhexagonalresearchInsertCoinInsertCoinNewChallengersobservors Insert Coin semifinalist: Observos serves up the internet of places By غير معرف - 4:33 م - Add Comment Internet of things? That's so 2012. 2013? Well maybe, just maybe, it'll be all about the internet of places. Hexagonal Research fo...