asuscomputexcomputex2013corei7Corei7-4770KCorsaircpufeaturedfeatureshaswellintelliquidnitrogenMaximusVIExtrememotherboardoverclockrog Visualized: Intel's Haswell Core i7 overclocked to 6.88GHz on an ASUS motherboard By غير معرف - 4:08 ص - Add Comment After winning yesterday's Corsair Overclocking competition at Computex, the same folks were brought over to ASUS' ROG event earlier ...
asuscomputexcomputex2013Displaydisplayshands-onmonitormonitorsvideo ASUS shows off new touchscreen, USB and gaming monitors at Computex By غير معرف - 4:07 ص - Add Comment We came to ASUS' Computex booth to see the new 4K monitors, but it turns out the company had a lot of other (albeit slightly less exci...
armorasuscomputex2013featuredfeatureshands-onmechanicalkeyboardrogrogarmor ASUS teases upcoming mechanical ROG 'Armor Keyboard' for gamers By غير معرف - 4:05 ص - Add Comment ASUS' ROG presentation here at Computex wasn't all meaty graphic powerhouses -- it also displayed a new mechanical keyboard for disc...
asuscomputex2013gtx700poseidonposeidongfxPoseidonGtx700rog ASUS ROG reveals 'the ultimate gaming machine', the Poseidon Formula One By غير معرف - 4:05 ص - Add Comment ASUS cannot get enough of Computex, and today its PC gaming arm is rolling out some high powered new kit. This is the Poseidon Formula 1, ...
4k4kmonitorasusasus4kmonitorcomputexcomputex2013Displaydisplayshands-onmonitormonitors ASUS' 31.5-inch 4K monitor priced at $3,799, 39-inch version coming in Q3 By غير معرف - 4:00 ص - Add Comment Yeah, we want one too. Here at Computex, ASUS is showing off its new 31.5-inch 4K monitor, which we just learned will cost $3,799. (Oh com...
AndroidasusasusfonepadfonepadUKUnitedKingdom ASUS FonePad ships April 26th in the UK, up for pre-order now By غير معرف - 2:25 م - Add Comment Back when ASUS first introduced that unorthodox FonePad to the masses at MWC, the Taiwanese company said the 7-inch device would be arri...
AndroidasusASUSMeMoPadjellybeanMeMoPadtablets ASUS' 7-inch MeMo Pad now on sale for $150 By غير معرف - 5:11 ص - Add Comment Cheap tablets are currently on the rise, but not just low-end hardware from manufacturers that you've probably never heard of -- true...
2nd-GenasusasustekgoogleNext-Gennexus7qualcomm Google and ASUS to release second-generation Nexus 7 tablet in July, says Reuters By غير معرف - 6:14 ص - Add Comment Google's next generation of Nexus 7 tablets from ASUS will be Qualcomm-powered and arrive this July, according to Reuters . If its...
asusmysteryvaridrive ASUS teases something square and grey, will reveal its new device By غير معرف - 3:15 م - Add Comment Were we expecting any new hardware from ASUS? Items we've seen but have not shipped like the Qube and Transformer Book spring to mind...
amazonasusasusvivobookasusvivobooks500laptopmicrosoftwindows8VivobookS500windows8 ASUS VivoBook S500 / S550 Windows 8 laptops now on sale for $699 and up By غير معرف - 7:46 ص - Add Comment With Books, Pads, Tabs, Fones and the intriguing Transformer AiO, we can only wonder what else ASUS has in the stockroom. Recently liber...
asushybridtransbooktransformerbooktx300windows8 ASUS Transformer Book shows sudden sign of life: 13-inch Core i5 model coming to Japan this week By غير معرف - 1:05 م - Add Comment The Transformer Book's entry into the world has been hampered by a couple of things: high pre-order prices for the Core i7 version, pl...
all-in-oneandroid4.1Android4.1JellyBeanasusasusp1801asustransformerasustransformeraiotablettransformeraiowindows8 ASUS Transformer AiO launching Q2 for $1,299 and up, marries Windows 8 desktop with monster Android tablet By غير معرف - 12:58 م - Add Comment We were beginning to think the ASUS Transformer AiO was just a figment of a summer daydream after hearing nothing of it since our chance ...
accessoriesAndroidasusdockgooglegoogleplaynexus7peripheralstablet Nexus 7 dock reaches the Google Play Store: also, unicorns are real By غير معرف - 3:20 م - Add Comment The official Nexus 7 dock has been one of the more elusive beasts in the accessory world, especially for anyone who wanted it from an of...
asusasusfonepadatomfeaturedfeaturesfonepadhands-onintelMWCmwc-2013mwc2013nexus7video ASUS FonePad official: 7-inch tablet with phone functionality, priced at $249 (hands-on) By غير معرف - 8:54 ص - Add Comment We already knew ASUS was prepping a product called the FonePad, a 7-inch tablet with built-in phone functionality (yes, just like the new Sa...
asushands-onmobilepostcrossMWCmwc-2013mwc2013padfonepadfone2padfoneinfinitys4provideo ASUS PadFone Infinity announced: 5-inch, 1080p screen, Snapdragon 600 CPU and full HD tablet display (hands-on) By غير معرف - 8:50 ص - Add Comment You may have heard a new PadFone was on the way -- it's not like ASUS has been dropping obvious h...
Androidasusgooglehackinglinuxnexus7opensourcePenetrationTestingpwnieexpresspwnpadsecurityubuntu Pwnie Express launches the Pwn Pad, takes hackproofing on the road By غير معرف - 4:28 م - Add Comment Pwnie Express-made security tools like the Power Pwn have mostly been stationary creatures that aren...
asusHow Would You ChangeHowWouldYouChangeHWYCInfinityTF700Transformer PadTransformerPad How would you change ASUS' Transformer Pad Infinity? By غير معرف - 4:59 ص - Add Comment ASUS' Transformer Pad Infinity's awkwardly timed announcement sent a fair few Transformer Prime buyers into fits of apoplexy -- aft...
AndroidasusAsusNexus7googlegooglenexus7nexus7 Nexus 7 WiFi + 3G model goes on sale in Japan February 9th By غير معرف - 5:41 م - Add Comment Google's Nexus 7 tablet will soon be freed from the tyranny of WiFi range in Japan, as the 32GB W...
8xAndroidandroid4.1aokpasusgalaxysiihtcjellybeanlumia900mobilepostcrossnokiaonexpadfone2porticorrsamsungupdatewindowsphonewindowsphone7.8 week of January 21st, 2013 By غير معرف - 7:34 ص - Add Comment Your smartphone and / or tablet is just begging for an update. From time to time, these mobile devic...