atombaytrailbaytrail-dbaytrail-mceleroncomputex2013cpuintelpentiumprocessorSilvermont إنتل يستعد لإطلاق رقائق Celeron و Pentium يستند إلى بنية الذرة By غير معرف - 1:58 م - Add Comment في السنوات الأخيرة ، إنتل معالجات Celeron و Pentium كانت إصدارات مختصرة من نظرائهم الأكثر تقدما . للحصول على التحديثات ال...
atomhands-onKickstartermobilepostcrosssivasiva cycleSivaCycletechcrunch disruptTechcrunchDisruptvideo Siva Cycle Atom bike-powered battery charger eyes-on By غير معرف - 4:58 م - Add Comment It was just about a week ago that we first told you about Siva Cycle's Atom, a pedal-powered battery charger that's currently takin...
aceratomiconiaiconiaw3PCtabletw3windows8z2760 Acer Iconia W3 reportedly leaks, mates an 8-inch tablet with Windows 8 By غير معرف - 4:25 م - Add Comment Microsoft has repeatedly told us that we'll see smaller Windows 8 tablets, but all that talk has amounted to precious little walk. If...
AndroidatomChinaclovertrailclovertrailplusfeaturedfeaturesgeekhands-onidfidf2013inteljellybeanmobilepostcrossvideowirelesschargingXMM6260ZTE ZTE Geek unveiled with 2GHz Intel Clover Trail+ and a terrible name By غير معرف - 9:12 ص - Add Comment Oh ZTE you cheeky monkey. Towards the end of day one at IDF in Beijing, we stumbled upon this awkwardly titled Android Jelly Bean phone tha...
atomatoms12x9avotonbeijingEdisonvillehaswellidfidf2013intelivybridgeivybridgeepivybridgeexrangeleys12x9Silvermontxeonxeone3xeone5xeone7 Intel introduces next-gen Xeon E7, E5 and E3 families for enterprise space By غير معرف - 9:10 ص - Add Comment Truth be told, not much has been announced on the consumer end at IDF Beijing earlier today, but Intel did tease us with upcoming refresh...
asusasusfonepadatomfeaturedfeaturesfonepadhands-onintelMWCmwc-2013mwc2013nexus7video ASUS FonePad official: 7-inch tablet with phone functionality, priced at $249 (hands-on) By غير معرف - 8:54 ص - Add Comment We already knew ASUS was prepping a product called the FonePad, a 7-inch tablet with built-in phone functionality (yes, just like the new Sa...
acerAndroidatomIcecreamSandwichintellexingtonliquidc1minipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminismartphonethailandz2420 Acer intros Liquid C1 smartphone packing Intel Lexington By غير معرف - 10:09 ص - Add Comment Remember that unnamed Acer phone we caught skulking about Intel's CES event? It's been given a ...