192KHz24-bit5510audiohands-onmobilepostcrosssamsungvideoWm5110wolfson Wolfson WM5110 audio chip outputs 'studio master' sound, may appear in next Galaxy S By غير معرف - 11:03 ص - Add Comment What you're looking at above is a demo board carrying a next-gen Wolfson WM5110 audio chip for smartphones. This bit of silicon isn...
appaudioiosradioslackerstreamingstreamingmusic Slacker lures 6 million new listeners, makes profit on both free and paid users By غير معرف - 4:22 م - Add Comment When Slacker launched its big software overhaul in February, many were skeptical that a refresh could bring it back to prominence. Apparen...
2.1audiobluetoothcreativeCreativeLabsspeakerst3150wirelessSpeakers Creative T3150 delivers stealthy, 2.1-channel Bluetooth audio on the cheap By غير معرف - 10:13 ص - Add Comment Bluetooth speakers still tend to revolve around portable designs, but there's been a gradual shift toward traditional-looking speakers...
audiobackpackbikingbluetoothboombottlecyclingportableaudioscoschespeakervideowirelessSpeakers Scosche BoomBottle ships for $150, just in time to serenade fellow cyclists By غير معرف - 9:20 ص - Add Comment Scosche promised a soundtrack to our biking and hiking when it unveiled the BoomBottle back in January; conveniently, it's shipping the...
affinityblueAndroidappaudiochordiosmetronomemusicpitchtonetunablevideo تطبيق ينظم الموسيقى مثل الالعاب By غير معرف - 5:28 ص - Add Comment و لقد كان الموسيقيين الذين قدر من الممارسة تعرف عدم وجود التطور المشاركة في الحصول على صك في تناغم وفي الوقت المحدد : ضبط مربع...
audiohdpostcrossHomeTheatermusicplaybarreviewsonossoundbarstreamingwireless Sonos Playbar review: an excellent (and expensive) home theater addition By غير معرف - 4:10 م - Add Comment Sonos has found a sweet spot in the audio world. Its wireless technology and ability to stream music from almost any source -- be it fro...
abletonableton liveAbletonLiveaudiocontrollermidimusicpushreviewvideo Ableton Push review: a dedicated controller for the Live faithful By غير معرف - 5:25 ص - Add Comment MIDI might be a little long in the tooth as protocols go, but it's been the prevailing standard for getting music hardware and softwa...
audiobluetoothearbudselroyKickstarterrobhoneycuttvideo Elroy is smarter than your average Bluetooth earbuds By غير معرف - 4:46 م - Add Comment Tangled earbuds may pass as artwork in Portland(ia), but in real life, they're nothing short of an irritating mess. Fortunately, that...
audioHomeTheaterpanasonicSC-HTB370SC-HTB65SC-HTB70SC-HTB770speakerssubwoofer Panasonic reveals pricing for 2013 home theater systems, March availability By غير معرف - 6:21 ص - Add Comment pring is right around the corner, which means it's time for a new home theater system, or at least that's what Panasonic would hav...
appaudioiosiphonemobilepostcrossmusicrdioStreamingAudiostreamingmusic Rdio on iPhone now shows which friends are listening, web streaming hits seven countries By غير معرف - 6:19 م - Add Comment Listen enough to Rdio on the desktop and you'll know your friends' taste in music when they're fellow subscribers. As of a f...
Androidaudiobrowserchromegooglemobilepostcrosssmartphoneupdatev8 Google Chrome 25 for Android arrives with background audio By غير معرف - 3:21 م - Add Comment If you've ever tried to play audio from a web app in Chrome for Android, you've likely had t...
audiohands-onlaptopmobilepostcrossnxpsmartphonesoundtablettfa9887tfa9890videovolume Modded Nexus 7 shows why some phone and tablet loudspeakers are better than others (video) By غير معرف - 1:56 م - Add Comment We never used to take the speakers in phones or tablets very seriously. Frankly, we're not sure manufacturers did either. But the old ...
asynchronoususbaudiodacexplorerheadphoneamphifimeridianminitoslinkusbdac Meridian Explorer combines headphone amp By غير معرف - 6:58 ص - Add Comment Feel that? If you're an audio purist, the sensation of your wallet tingling is probably a familiar...
Androidappaudiohdpostcrossiphone5musicsonosSonosControllerStreamingAudiostreamingmusicwidget Sonos app gets universal favorites, Android widget and iPhone 5 tweaks By غير معرف - 6:51 ص - Add Comment Ask a Sonos listener about flaws in the Controller app and you'll often hear about three sticking...
ArchitecturalMonitoraudioBowersAndWilkinsBowersWilkinsspeakerspeakersvideoweatherproof Bowers & Wilkins AM-1 speaker can weather the rain By غير معرف - 8:57 ص - Add Comment We appreciate any product that lets us not only openly reference Lamb, but also blast that band's tracks in our backyard. Which is what ...
audiobeatceramicdiaphragmfilmfoldablefujifilmpiezoelectricpolymerrollablespeakersviscoelastic Fujifilm's flexible Beat speaker diaphragm lets us roll up the rhythm By غير معرف - 7:37 ص - Add Comment While there's been no shortage of rollable displays, rollable speakers are rare -- the softness ne...
Androidaudiohdpostcrossmobilepostcrossmusicmusicunlimitedplaystation3ps3sonySonyEntertainmentNetworkstreamingmusicwalkmanweb Sony upgrades Music Unlimited to 320Kbps streaming on Android, PS3 and the web By غير معرف - 5:45 م - Add Comment Higher quality audio is a staple of the experience for a growing number of streaming music services,...
audiominipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminimusicmusichubMusicStoresamsungsamsungmusichubtv Samsung expects Music Hub to reach competitors' devices By غير معرف - 7:25 ص - Add Comment Samsung's Music Hub has only had a comparatively small reach to date, delivering tunes to seven ...
audiolumiamixradiomobilepostcrossmusicplusnokianokiamusicnokiamusicplusStreamingAudiostreamingmusicwindowsphone Nokia intros Music+ subscription service with unlimited downloads, web listening By غير معرف - 11:44 ص - Add Comment Most of the bigger streaming music services have both a free tier for casual listeners and a paid lev...