araugmentedrealityfacebookhands-onheremapsjoblenslinkedinlumia925mobilepostcrossnokianokiajoblensnokialumia925video Hands-on with Nokia JobLens on the Lumia 925: what a way to make a living By غير معرف - 9:25 ص - Add Comment We're hoping we won't need to use Nokia's JobLens app for real any time soon, but at the Lumia 925 launch event, we thought we...
1200ARaraugmentedrealityglassesvuzixWrap1200AR Vuzix's Wrap 1200AR glasses do 3D By غير معرف - 5:15 م - Add Comment We saw Vuzix shift to a more Google Glass-esque set of smart glasses at CES in January, but it looks...