BBLive2013blackberrymobilepostcross سكايب وموغ متاحة الآن ل BB10.1 By غير معرف - 9:40 ص - Add Comment بين الموجه من الإعلانات عن هذا الصباح في " بلاك بيري يعيش " في أورلاندو ، المدير التنفيذي تورستن هينس أخيرا مصنوعة...
bb10BBLive2013blackberryblackberrylivemobilepostcross بلاك بيري تعلن عن 10.1 BB المتداول إلى المستخدمين Z10 لنا في وقت لاحق من هذا الشهر By غير معرف - 9:37 ص - Add Comment قد بدأ لايف بلاك بيري 2013، وكشفت هينس تورستن فقط بت الأولى من أخبار جيدة لمستخدمي بلاك بيري. سيتم طرح أحدث إصدار من نظام التشغيل لبلاك بي...
bb10BBLive2013blackberryBlackBerry Q5BlackberryQ5emerging marketsEmergingMarketsmobilepostcrossQ5 بلاك بيري س 5: هاتف QWERTY بنيت للأسواق الناشئة By غير معرف - 9:35 ص - Add Comment بدأ هذا الصباح في "بلاك بيري يعيش" في أورلاندو، هينس تورستن الحدث السنوي الرئيسي للشركة مع إشارة موجزة لأحدث جهاز BB10، Q5. وهو ...
bellblackberryblackberry10blackberry10.1canadafidokoodominipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminiQ10rogerssmartphoneTelusvirginmobile PSA: BlackBerry Q10 on sale in Canada, but only in Toronto By غير معرف - 4:56 م - Add Comment Today marks one of the symbolically more important launches in the BlackBerry universe: the Q10, the first keyboard-equipped BB10 phone, is...
BBMblackberryblackberry10.1hubmobilepostcrossQ10smartphoneupdateupgrade بلاك بيري 10.1 الرسمية مع وضع الكاميرا HDR، والتوسعات للوحة الوصل والإخطارات By غير معرف - 5:57 ص - Add Comment ناهيك عن أن بعض المطورين مدلل المفاجأة الأسبوع الماضي : 10.1 بلاك بيري ، نظام التشغيل الرئيسية الأولى التحديث ل BB10 ، الرس...
blackberryblackberry10blackberry10.1blackberryhubdevelopermobilepostcross BlackBerry 10.1 OS preview uncovers HDR camera mode, PIN-to-PIN messaging inside Hub By غير معرف - 7:47 ص - Add Comment If you're already starting to feel that shiny 'wow' factor fade from BlackBerry 10, then you'll be glad to know about som...
bb10blackberrydealsmobilepostcrossphones4uplaybookQ10qnx Phones4U taking BlackBerry Q10 pre-orders, giving away PlayBooks to first 300 customers By غير معرف - 2:51 م - Add Comment Know what's better than a shiny new BlackBerry Q10? A BlackBerry Q10 with a 64GB PlayBook thrown in for free, and Phones4U is the plac...
bb10blackberrydeltaFreeWifiGogomobilepostcrosswifiz10 يمكن للمستخدمين استخدام BlackBerry Z10 مجانا على متن الطائرة بخاصية WiFi By غير معرف - 4:24 م - Add Comment التعلق واي فاي الجزر تلبية الخاص من صنع بلاك بيري عصا : و Z10 . ربما لأن قاعدة مستخدميها توددت تقليديا دعم المشاريع قوي - ال...
april foolsAprilFoolsblackberryBlackBtrryhands-on BlackBtrry Water Game hands-on By غير معرف - 4:31 م - Add Comment This has been a year of fundamental changes for BlackBerry; shifts in the company's core, beginning with a change in name from Resea...
blackberryifixitIfixitTeardownmobilepostcrossteardownz10 BlackBerry Z10 gets the iFixit teardown treatment By غير معرف - 4:11 م - Add Comment Screws and a little glue -- that's all that stood between an intact BlackBerry Z10 and the curious hands of those iFixit folks. And t...
attbb10BBZ10blackberryblackberry10mobilepostcrossz10 PSA: BlackBerry Z10 (finally) arrives on AT&T By غير معرف - 11:29 ص - Add Comment The American BlackBerry faithful have been waiting and while those with business (and T-Mobile) intentions got there a little early, the Z...
appbb10blackberryBlackBerryTravelBlackBerryWorldmobilepostcross BlackBerry Travel for BB 10 launches, lets users track price changes and flight status By غير معرف - 2:26 م - Add Comment Though the road to BlackBerry 10 was long, it doesn't appear the company's taking the same tack with its app strategy. Today, the ...
bb10BBMblackberrymobilepostcrossWhatsAppz10 WhatsApp lands on BlackBerry 10, offers Z10 owners a BBM alternative By غير معرف - 3:56 م - Add Comment Back at the Z10's launch, BlackBerry revealed that WhatsApp, along with a host of other third party applications, would be headed to i...
bestbuyblackberryblackberry10blackberryz10carriermobilepostcrosssmartphoneverizonz10 Verizon BlackBerry Z10 launching March 28th, pre-orders begin March 14th By غير معرف - 3:55 م - Add Comment It was AT&T's turn earlier this week, and now it's Verizon's. Big Red has confirmed that its edition of the BlackBerry Z10...
808pureviewandroid4.1android4.1.2blackberrycspirecyanogenmodcyanogenmod10.1galaxynexusGalaxyNotegalaxysiiihtcjellybeanlgMetroPCSmobilepostcrossnokiaonesonesvoptimus4xhdoptimusgpro Refresh Roundup: week of March 4th, 2013 By غير معرف - 8:05 م - Add Comment Your smartphone and / or tablet is just begging for an update. From time to time, these mobile devices are blessed with maintenance refr...
blackberryblackberryq10minipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminiQ10smartphone BlackBerry Q10 prototype caught in the wild with a rubberized back By غير معرف - 2:50 م - Add Comment When we put our mitts on the official BlackBerry Q10 design in January, it carried a "glass weave" back that was meant to convey...
bb10blackberryblackberry z10blackberryz10launchmobilepostcrosst-mobilez10 T-Mobile to begin selling BlackBerry Z10 to business customers March 11th for $249.99 (update) By غير معرف - 6:08 م - Add Comment The BlackBerry Z10 is finally ready to ship out to customers in the US, as T-Mobile has officially announced that it is selling Canada...
bb10blackberryblackberry z10blackberry10blackberryz10bradberrymobilepostcross the BlackBerry Z10 my very own and use it as my everyday device By غير معرف - 4:48 م - Add Comment I've had the opportunity to use it in every likely scenario, including a nine-day trip to Spain for Mobile World Congress. Now comes t...
AndroidappleblackberryGalaxyNotegooglehtchuaweiiphonelgmobilepostcrossnokiaphabletsamsungsonyZTE The ever-expanding smartphone screen: how supersized became everyday By غير معرف - 4:44 م - Add Comment It used to be that any smartphone screen beyond three inches was considered big -- and it was, for an audience still weaning itself off ...
bb10blackberryblackberry10blackberryz10bradberrymobilepostcrossz10 Back to BlackBerry: international travels By غير معرف - 3:39 م - Add Comment Dropping a smartphone is an absolutely horrifying experience. And on my first day in Barcelona for Mobile World Congress, it happened to m...