atxCasecomputexcomputex2013desktopdesktoppcfeaturedfeaturesglasshands-oninwinPCtoutower In Win's Tou desktop case has glass and class all over it By غير معرف - 9:38 ص - Add Comment At Computex, Taiwan-based In Win has once again brought out its funky-looking desktop cases, but this time there's a new star on the st...
asuscomputexcomputex2013corei7Corei7-4770KCorsaircpufeaturedfeatureshaswellintelliquidnitrogenMaximusVIExtrememotherboardoverclockrog Visualized: Intel's Haswell Core i7 overclocked to 6.88GHz on an ASUS motherboard By غير معرف - 4:08 ص - Add Comment After winning yesterday's Corsair Overclocking competition at Computex, the same folks were brought over to ASUS' ROG event earlier ...
armorasuscomputex2013featuredfeatureshands-onmechanicalkeyboardrogrogarmor ASUS teases upcoming mechanical ROG 'Armor Keyboard' for gamers By غير معرف - 4:05 ص - Add Comment ASUS' ROG presentation here at Computex wasn't all meaty graphic powerhouses -- it also displayed a new mechanical keyboard for disc...
Androidemotionuiemotionui1.6exclusivefeaturedfeatureshuaweileakmobilepostcrossp6-u06phonerichardyuspyshot New Huawei P6-U06 spy shots show off black, brushed metallic body By غير معرف - 4:06 م - Add Comment Quite frankly, Huawei's 6.18mm-thick P6-U06 is quickly becoming the company's worst leak in this half of 2013. Following yesterday...
AndroidatomChinaclovertrailclovertrailplusfeaturedfeaturesgeekhands-onidfidf2013inteljellybeanmobilepostcrossvideowirelesschargingXMM6260ZTE ZTE Geek unveiled with 2GHz Intel Clover Trail+ and a terrible name By غير معرف - 9:12 ص - Add Comment Oh ZTE you cheeky monkey. Towards the end of day one at IDF in Beijing, we stumbled upon this awkwardly titled Android Jelly Bean phone tha...
beijingConvertibledetachablefeaturedfeatureshands-onhybrididfidf2013intellaptopportegePortegeZ10ttoshibaultrabookwindows8Z10t Toshiba's Portege Z10t detachable Ultrabook debuts at IDF By غير معرف - 8:51 ص - Add Comment Right after Intel's somewhat mundane announcement of the Ultrabook Convertible and Ultrabook Detachable sub-brands at IDF in Beijing,...
asusasusfonepadatomfeaturedfeaturesfonepadhands-onintelMWCmwc-2013mwc2013nexus7video ASUS FonePad official: 7-inch tablet with phone functionality, priced at $249 (hands-on) By غير معرف - 8:54 ص - Add Comment We already knew ASUS was prepping a product called the FonePad, a 7-inch tablet with built-in phone functionality (yes, just like the new Sa...
alcatelfeaturedfeaturesfirefirefoxfirefoxoshands-onmobilepostcrossMWCmwc2013onetouchfirephoneTCLvideo Alcatel One Touch Fire joins the Firefox OS cuddle party, we go hands-on (video) By غير معرف - 3:41 م - Add Comment ZTE may have had a head start in the Firefox OS race ahead of MWC, but Alcatel's also got something similar to ride on the waves of som...