arrows VArrowsVfujitsumwc2012mwc2013video Fujitsu Arrows V F-04E hands-on By غير معرف - 8:57 ص - Add Comment Fujitsu had a third set on hand at its booth on opening day here at MWC 2013: the Arrows V F-04E. Launched as part of the NTT DoCoMo's ...
canefujitsugpsGPScanehands-onhealthvideowalkingstick Fujitsu prototype GPS cane hands-on: the future of monitoring and protecting the elderly By غير معرف - 8:56 ص - Add Comment Fujitsu's Stylistic S01 isn't the company's only attempt to cater to an older audience. It's also experimenting with a rat...
AIOFMVfujitsulifebook Fujitsu announces bevy of FMV Windows 8 AIO PCs, laptops along with WiFi-only Arrows tablet By غير معرف - 7:33 ص - Add Comment Staggered product releases? Perish the thought with Fujitsu, who just launched twelve (count 'em...