14-inchbladecorei7gaminggeforceGeforceGtx765mhaswellintellaptopnvidiapre-orderrazer Razer puts 14-inch Blade up for pre-order By غير معرف - 4:16 ص - Add Comment Razer teased us when it unveiled the 14-inch Blade last week: a rare blend of portability with gaming performance, and we couldn't eve...
chronosdesktopeon17-sgaminggeforcegenesisgtx765mgtx770mgtx780mhaswelllaptopmillenniumnvidiaoriginpcPC Origin PC lineup makes the leap to Haswell, GeForce GTX 700M By غير معرف - 4:34 ص - Add Comment Origin PC makes a point of embracing game-friendly technology as soon as it arrives, and you'd better believe it's welcoming Haswell...
22CanscuriosityexperimentalgamegamingiosipadiphonemobilepostcrossPeterMolyneuxSocialGame المكعب الرباعي الابعاد ل بيتر مولينكس الآن مفتوحة، ومحتويات ما زالت لغزا By غير معرف - 2:22 م - Add Comment بعد سبعة أشهر من التنصت على تعاونية ، فضول التجربة بيتر مولينكس في النهاية على مدى : المكعب مفتوح . ا لاستوديو في مولينكس ، 2...
bacBacMonocarcodemasterscollectorseditiongaminggrid2monops3sportscarsupercarVideoGames GRID 2 "الطبعة مونو": شراء 125,000 جنيه استرليني لعبة سباق، والحصول السوبر مجاناً By غير معرف - 3:00 م - Add Comment في حين أننا مثل ألعاب الطبعة جامعي لدينا ، لا شك أن حتى أفضل حزم مليئة المرقعة سنستخدم فقط مرة واحدة أو مرتين . لا أح...
arcadearcade stickArcadeStickatroxcontrollerFightingGamegamingrazerRazer AtroxRazerAtrox Razer Atrox arcade stick entices Xbox 360 fighters with swappable parts By غير معرف - 10:55 ص - Add Comment Look out, MadCatz -- Razer's ready to add an Xbox 360 arcade stick to its peripheral lineup. The $200 Atrox should please serious button...
gaminghackingjailbreakingnintendosoftwarewiikeuwiikeyWiiU Wii U allegedly hacked, Nintendo addresses would-be pirates By غير معرف - 4:59 م - Add Comment While some people associate the word "jailbreaking" with prison riots or smartphone hacking, the most mainstream of cracking sub...
4kamdgaminggraphicsgraphics cardGraphicsCardradeon hd 7990radeonhd7990 AMD details $999 Radeon HD 7990 graphics card, says it handles all top games at 4K By غير معرف - 6:26 ص - Add Comment We've seen plenty of the Radeon HD 7990 in action with Battlefield 4 , but it's taken AMD a little while to furnish us with full ...
3dsll3dsxlconsolegaminghandheldjapanluiginintendoSuperMarioBrosVideoGames Luigi edition Nintendo 3DS LL gives Mario's brother his due, but only in Japan By غير معرف - 7:39 ص - Add Comment There must be some kind of unstated rule that Nintendo can never give the US a special edition handheld without releasing some Japan-focus...
Androiddelaygamestickgamingkickstarter updateKickstarterUpdateplayjamshippingupdate Early-backer GameStick consoles delayed to June, dev units now shipping By غير معرف - 1:58 م - Add Comment Fancied PlayJams' GameStick Android gaming console enough to back it on Kickstarter earlier this year? The good news is that Dev unit...
alienwaredellgaminglinuxsteamubuntux51 Alienware X51 gaming PC now available with Ubuntu, starts at $600 By غير معرف - 2:54 م - Add Comment After gaining the support of Valve, Epic and Unity 3D, Linux gamers have yet another win on their side today as Alienware has made Ubuntu ...
DistroedgeEngadgetEngadgetDistrogaminghdpostcrossmobilepostcrossrazerrazeredge Distro Issue 85: Does the Razer Edge have enough muscle to upend portable gaming By غير معرف - 2:49 م - Add Comment We've heard rumblings about Razer's modular gaming plans since the early whispers of Project Fiona. Now, the gadget is a full-fled...
3DSeshopfirmwaregamesgamingnintendoupdateVideoGames Nintendo 3DS update moves your saves from retail games to downloads By غير معرف - 3:13 م - Add Comment Let's say you bought a pair of cartridge-based games to go with your Nintendo 3DS, but you're embracing our all-digital future an...
Androidbloatwarecarrierbillinggamesportalgamingmobilegamingmobilepostcrossplayphonesdksmartphoneverizon Verizon to preload PlayPhone-backed Games Portal on Android devices By غير معرف - 3:09 م - Add Comment Carriers often want to provide unique device software as a lure for their services -- like it or not -- and gaming is undeniably one of t...
consolefamicomgameboygameboyadvancegaminggenesishyperkinmegadrivenintendoretron5segasuperfamicomvideoVideoGames Hyperkin Retron 5 plays the cartridges of nine classic consoles By غير معرف - 5:21 ص - Add Comment Hyperkin has developed a reputation for modern takes on legendary game consoles that are often better than the real thing. If true, its jus...
gaminggaming headsetsgaming keyboardsGamingHeadsetsGamingKeyboardsLogitechLogitech GLogitechGperipheralsvideo Logitech rebrands gaming line with same name, announces bounty of peripherals By غير معرف - 8:31 ص - Add Comment Logitech's G-prefixed gaming peripherals have been around for awhile, but they were never part of an official gaming line. That chang...
doomgamingKickstarteroculusrift Oculus Rift won't come bundled with Doom 3, credit or refund offered instead By غير معرف - 4:50 م - Add Comment This news is likely to be a bit disappointing to some Oculus Rift backers. Project supporters were set to be rewarded with a copy of Doom ...
bigpicturedesktopgamingminipcPCpistonpre-ordersffsteamsteamboxsxsw2013valvexi3 Xi3 starts Piston pre-orders: buy an early Steambox for under $1,000 By غير معرف - 2:42 م - Add Comment While Xi3's Piston may only be a Steambox through its software optimization, that still leaves us with a milestone on our hands now ...
apexconsoledevelopergaminggpgpunvidiaphysicsphysxplaystation4ps4sdksonyVideoGames NVIDIA rolls out Apex and PhysX developer support for the PlayStation 4 By غير معرف - 1:10 م - Add Comment Just because the PlayStation 4 centers around an AMD-based platform doesn't mean that NVIDIA is out of the picture. The graphics firm i...
Androideaelectronicartsfiremonkeysgamingiosmobilegamingmobilepostcrossrealracingrealracing3 Real Racing 3 to be free-to-play, takes its place in EA's higher gaming pantheon By غير معرف - 5:13 م - Add Comment The Real Racing series has been a staple of mobile gaming, at least in some circles. However, EA now ...
gaminggigabyteGTX660MlaptopmicrosoftP2742Gwindows8 Gigabyte P2742G gaming laptop goes up for sale in UK, priced at £909 By غير معرف - 6:54 ص - Add Comment Gigabyte unleashed the beast today with a 17.3-inch gaming laptop that's named, awkwardly enoug...