3darCast ARCastArglassesgoggleshands-onJeri EllsworthJeriEllsworthvalve Cast AR hands-on with Jeri Ellsworth at Maker Faire 2013 By غير معرف - 3:22 م - Add Comment When Valve's first hardware hire, Jeri Ellsworth, tweeted back in February that she was fired from the company, we were disappointed bu...
ClosedCaptioningglasseshdpostcrosshdpostminiminipostregalRegalEntertainmentsonywearable Regal outfits almost 6,000 theaters with Sony closed-captioning glasses By غير معرف - 4:04 م - Add Comment Sony's subtitle glasses have been a long time coming. The US rollout began more than a year ago, but the gradual launch has left hard-...
1200ARaraugmentedrealityglassesvuzixWrap1200AR Vuzix's Wrap 1200AR glasses do 3D By غير معرف - 5:15 م - Add Comment We saw Vuzix shift to a more Google Glass-esque set of smart glasses at CES in January, but it looks...