BeidouChinagpsmobilepostcrossNavigation China's homegrown GPS to open up for smartphones By غير معرف - 6:16 ص - Add Comment Now that China is comfortable letting drivers access Beidou to get around the middle kingdom, it's decided that everyone else should ...
garmingpsinfotainmentmercedesmercedes-benztomtom Garmin to power future Mercedes-Benz infotainment systems By غير معرف - 5:54 م - Add Comment It looks like Garmin has managed to lock down a very solid deal following its automotive group's compelling demo at CES. The company...
automaticcarcoupeGenevaMotorShowgpsrolls-roycesupercartransmissionvideowraithzf Rolls-Royce Wraith picks gears using GPS, keeps your Spirit of Ecstasy soaring (video) By غير معرف - 2:19 م - Add Comment Many Rolls-Royce drivers are used to effortless speed between the big engines and smooth suspensions. The automaker's new Wraith cou...
gpsgpsiiiLocationlockheedmartinpositioningsatellitespacespacevehicleonesv-1 Lockheed Martin powers up its first GPS III satellite, stays on track for 2014 By غير معرف - 4:48 م - Add Comment It's been awhile since we heard much about Lockheed Martin's GPS III satellite family beyond mention of an early prototype. The n...
gpsintelmappingmapsNavigationpartnershiptelmaptomtom TomTom to supply maps to Intel's Telmap, creates a total navigation app package By غير معرف - 4:27 م - Add Comment Intel scored access to code for location-based services when it acquired Telmap, but it didn't g...
canefujitsugpsGPScanehands-onhealthvideowalkingstick Fujitsu prototype GPS cane hands-on: the future of monitoring and protecting the elderly By غير معرف - 8:56 ص - Add Comment Fujitsu's Stylistic S01 isn't the company's only attempt to cater to an older audience. It's also experimenting with a rat...
gpsmotorcycleridertomtomtomtom riderTomtomRider TomTom Rider motorcycle GPS gets refresh, for those born to be guided By غير معرف - 5:11 م - Add Comment It seems a safe bet that any contemporary Easy Rider reboot would be vastly different from its predecessor. For one thing, there's th...