applebrowserchromeChromeOsfirefoxgooglehackmicrosoftmozillapwn2ownpwniumpwnium3safari Chrome OS fends off all hacks at Pwnium 3, others fall at Pwn2Own By غير معرف - 6:11 م - Add Comment Google's Pwnium challenge followed a familiar pattern in its first two years, with white hat hackers invariably finding a Chrome vul...
bugflawgalaxynoteiigalaxysiiihacklockscreenmobilepostcrosssamsungSamsungGalaxyNoteIIsamsunggalaxySIIIvulnerability Galaxy S III bug disables lock screen, grants full access, tests patience By غير معرف - 2:15 م - Add Comment Lock screens are around for a reason: to keep people from getting where they shouldn't. They aren't always infallible, though, an...
evernotehackhackedpasswords Evernote issues site-wide password reset after hackers access user details By غير معرف - 3:49 م - Add Comment Popular cross-platform note-storing service Evernote has revealed in a blog post that it has been the subject of hacking attacks. The op...
Chrome OSChromeOschromiumgooglehacksecurity Google details Pwnium 3, targets Chrome OS By غير معرف - 3:23 م - Add Comment Google's Chrome Security team has taking the wraps of its its latest Pwnium competition. This time...