atxCasecomputexcomputex2013desktopdesktoppcfeaturedfeaturesglasshands-oninwinPCtoutower In Win's Tou desktop case has glass and class all over it By غير معرف - 9:38 ص - Add Comment At Computex, Taiwan-based In Win has once again brought out its funky-looking desktop cases, but this time there's a new star on the st...
asuscomputexcomputex2013Displaydisplayshands-onmonitormonitorsvideo ASUS shows off new touchscreen, USB and gaming monitors at Computex By غير معرف - 4:07 ص - Add Comment We came to ASUS' Computex booth to see the new 4K monitors, but it turns out the company had a lot of other (albeit slightly less exci...
armorasuscomputex2013featuredfeatureshands-onmechanicalkeyboardrogrogarmor ASUS teases upcoming mechanical ROG 'Armor Keyboard' for gamers By غير معرف - 4:05 ص - Add Comment ASUS' ROG presentation here at Computex wasn't all meaty graphic powerhouses -- it also displayed a new mechanical keyboard for disc...
computexcomputex2013gs70hands-onmsigs70video MSI shows off a concept gaming laptop with a touchscreen trackpad By غير معرف - 4:04 ص - Add Comment Hot on the heels of announcing some fresh gaming notebooks, MSI is showing off yet another laptop -- albeit, one you can't buy yet. Th...
4k4kmonitorasusasus4kmonitorcomputexcomputex2013Displaydisplayshands-onmonitormonitors ASUS' 31.5-inch 4K monitor priced at $3,799, 39-inch version coming in Q3 By غير معرف - 4:00 ص - Add Comment Yeah, we want one too. Here at Computex, ASUS is showing off its new 31.5-inch 4K monitor, which we just learned will cost $3,799. (Oh com...
computex2013directtouchhands-onJenHsunHuangmobilepostcrossnvidiastylusTegra4 NVIDIA CEO demos new stylus touchscreen tech, uses Tegra 4 image processing to reduce battery drain By غير معرف - 3:56 ص - Add Comment Elaborating from the battery-saving PRISM screen tech that we saw on Tegra 3 devices, the NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang showed off a new softw...
comfortmousehands-onmicemicrosoftmobilemousemousesculptsculptcomfortmousesculptmobilemouse ماوس مايكروسوفت النقال الجديد سيتم اصدارة الاسبوع المقبل By غير معرف - 11:03 ص - Add Comment الملف هذا تحت "أشياء يمكن لقد أقسمت موجودة ب الفعل ." أعلنت شركة مايكروسوفت فقط اثنين من الفئران ، نحت الماوس المحم...
flexible displayFlexible OLEDFlexibleDisplayFlexibleOledhands-onlglg flexible oledLgFlexibleOledsidsid2013video Hands-on with LG's 5-inch flexible plastic OLED display at SID By غير معرف - 1:48 م - Add Comment You can't blame us for rushing to see LG's flexible OLED HD panel here at SID. First announced earlier this week, the 5-inch displa...
arduinoArduino RobotArduinoRobotComplubothands-onMakerFaireMakerFaire2013Massimo BanziMassimoBanzirobotvideo Arduino Robot launches at Maker Faire, we go hands-on By غير معرف - 6:04 م - Add Comment There's a new kid on the Arduino block, and it's called the Arduino Robot. Launched yesterday at Maker Faire Bay Area, it's the ...
3darCast ARCastArglassesgoggleshands-onJeri EllsworthJeriEllsworthvalve Cast AR hands-on with Jeri Ellsworth at Maker Faire 2013 By غير معرف - 3:22 م - Add Comment When Valve's first hardware hire, Jeri Ellsworth, tweeted back in February that she was fired from the company, we were disappointed bu...
featuredgoogleGoogleIO2013hands-onIO2013lgmobilepostcrossnexus4unicornunicornswhite LG Nexus 4 shows up in white at Google I/O By غير معرف - 3:09 م - Add Comment A checkerboard-style glitter pattern with a white background? Yes, please. We've always been impressed by the elegant look and feel of ...
192KHz24-bit5510audiohands-onmobilepostcrosssamsungvideoWm5110wolfson Wolfson WM5110 audio chip outputs 'studio master' sound, may appear in next Galaxy S By غير معرف - 11:03 ص - Add Comment What you're looking at above is a demo board carrying a next-gen Wolfson WM5110 audio chip for smartphones. This bit of silicon isn...
a10amddirectx11.1eyefinitygpgpugpugraphicsgraphicscorenextgx70hands-onlaptopmsiradeonradeonhd8900mradeonhd8970mrichland AMD unveils Radeon HD 8900M laptop graphics, ships them in MSI's GX70 By غير معرف - 6:00 ص - Add Comment Did you think AMD showed all its mobile GPU cards when it launched the Radeon HD 8000M series in January? Think twice. The company has just...
hands-onhpslatebookslatebookx2splitx2Tegra4windows8x2 HP intros the Split x2 Windows hybrid and the Android-based SlateBook x2 By غير معرف - 5:57 ص - Add Comment The Envy x2 has never been our favorite Windows 8 tablet, but that hasn't stopped HP from selling loads of them. The device has been s...
hands-onmobilepostcrossnvidianvidiashieldprojectshieldvideo Hands-on with NVIDIA Shield: NVIDIA's project turned product By غير معرف - 9:33 ص - Add Comment NVIDIA's Project Shield now has an official name (NVIDIA Shield), a release window ("by the end of June") and a price tag ($3...
araugmentedrealityfacebookhands-onheremapsjoblenslinkedinlumia925mobilepostcrossnokianokiajoblensnokialumia925video Hands-on with Nokia JobLens on the Lumia 925: what a way to make a living By غير معرف - 9:25 ص - Add Comment We're hoping we won't need to use Nokia's JobLens app for real any time soon, but at the Lumia 925 launch event, we thought we...
bangolufsenboboplayh3h6hands-onHeadphonesinearluxuryoverear B&O Play H3, H6 headphones debut stateside: danish design, premium prices By غير معرف - 4:11 م - Add Comment It was just last month that Bang & Olufsen unveiled the H3 and H6 headphones under its cheaper-to-enter B&0 Play brand for the EU. ...
acerAcer Aspire R7AcerAspireR7aspire r7AspireR7hands-onlaptopultrabookultrabooksvideo Acer intros Aspire R7, a laptop with an adjustable display like an all-in-one By غير معرف - 3:06 م - Add Comment When Acer plans a global press event, asking journalists to fly in from twelve time zones away, you know it's going to announce more t...
atomhands-onKickstartermobilepostcrosssivasiva cycleSivaCycletechcrunch disruptTechcrunchDisruptvideo Siva Cycle Atom bike-powered battery charger eyes-on By غير معرف - 4:58 م - Add Comment It was just about a week ago that we first told you about Siva Cycle's Atom, a pedal-powered battery charger that's currently takin...
chargerchargershands-onKingstonMemoryCardReaderMobileLiteMobileLite WirelessMobileliteWirelessmobilepostcross Kingston's MobileLite Wireless is a memory card reader that doubles as a charger By غير معرف - 5:02 م - Add Comment By all metrics, Kingston's wireless Wi-Drive has been a successful product: the company is still selling it two years later, and has s...