appappsHereheremapsLiveSightmobilepostcrossnokiawindowsphoneWindowsPhone8 Nokia adds sight recognition to HERE Maps for Windows Phone 8 By غير معرف - 1:53 م - Add Comment Six months after promising to integrate sight recognition technology into its HERE suite of apps, Nokia has finally updated HERE Maps with ...
araugmentedrealityfacebookhands-onheremapsjoblenslinkedinlumia925mobilepostcrossnokianokiajoblensnokialumia925video Hands-on with Nokia JobLens on the Lumia 925: what a way to make a living By غير معرف - 9:25 ص - Add Comment We're hoping we won't need to use Nokia's JobLens app for real any time soon, but at the Lumia 925 launch event, we thought we...