hands-onhpslatebookslatebookx2splitx2Tegra4windows8x2 HP intros the Split x2 Windows hybrid and the Android-based SlateBook x2 By غير معرف - 5:57 ص - Add Comment The Envy x2 has never been our favorite Windows 8 tablet, but that hasn't stopped HP from selling loads of them. The device has been s...
elitepadelitepad900hphpelitepadhpelitepad900review HP ElitePad 900 review: HP's first Windows 8 tablet for the business world By غير معرف - 1:34 م - Add Comment HP's business PCs have always been surprisingly pretty. Not that good looks are high on our list of criteria, mind you, but at the very...
hphp slate 7HPSlate7slate 7Slate7 HP's Slate 7 tablet goes on sale, brings on the Beats for $170 By غير معرف - 6:51 م - Add Comment After a false alarm, HP is keeping to its initial promise of delivering its Slate 7 Android tablet this month -- and with a few days to s...
hpleap motionleapmotionpartnership HP to bundle Leap Motion on select products, incorporate the tech in future devices By غير معرف - 5:05 م - Add Comment Leap Motion is shaping up to be 2013's hottest peripheral. Less than a year after the gesture-control technology was first announced, ...
hphpmoonshotmoonshotservervideo HP Moonshot server class leaves concept, to power commercial-grade internet of the future By غير معرف - 5:38 ص - Add Comment We're all about the future of the internet here at Engadget, so you can imagine our excitement when HP today announced that it's s...
hphybridmemorycubeHybridMemoryCubeConsortiumibmmemorymicronmicrosoftramsamsung مكعب الذاكرة الهجين يتلقى المواصفات النهائية لها، وسرعة تصل الي 320GB في الثانية By غير معرف - 6:11 ص - Add Comment كان مكعب تقريبا الذاكرة الهجين اتحاد المريض جدا في تطوير معيار عن تقنيتها مسمى - بدأت الجهود منذ 17 شهرا - لكنه في نهاية...
delayhpHPSlate7Slate7 HP's $169 Slate 7 tablet delayed until June, according to HP's site By غير معرف - 3:46 م - Add Comment Maybe it's that $169 price, or maybe it's the inclusion of an honest-to-goodness memory card reader, but we know some of you can...
altsystemsautodeskepicgamesgdcgdc2013hewlettpackardhpjonguessue4unrealengine4 HP introduces Unreal Engine 4-ready 'turnkey solution' workstations, collaborating with ALT Systems By غير معرف - 3:12 م - Add Comment Hewlett-Packard may not be well-known by consumers for creating the machines that power the industries that power the world we live in, bu...
aceravailabilitychromechromebookChromeOsgooglehpinternationallaptopssamsung Chromebooks from Acer, HP and Samsung heading to six new countries By غير معرف - 7:51 ص - Add Comment If Chromebooks from Acer, HP and Samsung have struck your fancy but haven't been available in your country, your fortune might have ...
galaxys4galaxysivhpminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminiprinterprintingsamsungsmartphonewifiwirelessprinting HP and Samsung offer setup-free printing on the Galaxy S 4, with others to follow By غير معرف - 5:47 ص - Add Comment As ubiquitous as wireless printing has become, there remains the occasional hoop to jump through for printing from mobile devices if you...
hands-onhpHPSlate7MWCmwc-2013mwc2013Slate7 HP Slate 7 hands-on (update: video) By غير معرف - 3:47 م - Add Comment Well, this might just be the biggest news to come out of Mobile World Congress. Long after discontinuing the TouchPad (and the rest of its ...
Androidhpmwc 2013mwc2013slate 7Slate7 HP Slate 7 Android tablet rocks Beats, $169 price tag; due out in April By غير معرف - 3:39 م - Add Comment Mobile World Congress isn't just about the phones. Sometimes a company's got a little table...
chromebookhewlettpackardhphppavilionhppavilionchromebookleak HP web store leaks 14-inch Chromebook Pavilion, to be unveiled on February 17 By غير معرف - 3:47 م - Add Comment Hewlett-Packard didn't have the best 2012, but that's not stopping the US company from gettin...