habiticein carInCarinfotainmentvideoVisteon Visteon's HABIT is a concept infotainment system that puts road trip copilots out of a job By غير معرف - 4:42 ص - Add Comment A good acronym also hints at what it does, and Visteon's new intelligent in-car concept, HABIT, is a good example of that. The Human B...
garmingpsinfotainmentmercedesmercedes-benztomtom Garmin to power future Mercedes-Benz infotainment systems By غير معرف - 5:54 م - Add Comment It looks like Garmin has managed to lock down a very solid deal following its automotive group's compelling demo at CES. The company...
audiblebmwconnectedglympsehands-oninfotainmentnyiasnyias2013rhapsodytuneintuneinradio BMW announces compatibility with four new iOS apps, removable in-car LTE router, we go hands-on By غير معرف - 3:53 م - Add Comment At this year's New York International Auto Show BMW is expanding its portfolio of connected apps -- by four. The company announced iOS...
automotivecudaDevelopmentgpuinfotainmentjetsonkeplernvidiaopencvTegra NVIDIA details how its Jetson development kit creates smart, seeing cars By غير معرف - 3:21 م - Add Comment Developing a high-end in-car infotainment system can present challenges that don't exist in other platforms -- you're juggling c...