608tAndroidChinachinamobilehtcjellybeanminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminismartphoneTD-SCDMAtenaa HTC 608t spied, brings dual speakers to a One SV-like design By غير معرف - 5:23 م - Add Comment HTC might be gearing up for a wider audio assault. Just days after the 606w made a pass through China's TENAA with stereo sound, a 60...
Androidcyanogenmodcyanogenmod10.1jellybeanminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminisonyxperiatxperiatxxperiavXperiaZxperiazl CyanogenMod 10.1 nightlies reach Xperia Z and ZL, other recent Sony models By غير معرف - 5:06 م - Add Comment Sony has been friendlier than many of its mobile rivals toward outside code, backing AOSP efforts even when it has had to shoulder most of...
Androiddroidbionicgooglejellybeanminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminimotorolasmartphoneupdateupgradeverizon Motorola Droid Bionic starts receiving Jelly Bean update, the love it needs By غير معرف - 4:19 م - Add Comment There's no question that the Droid Bionic has had a rough life between long delays, a more popular cousin and slow updates. Both Motor...
AndroidbudgetG510huaweijellybeanmobilepostcrossUKVodafoneUK Huawei G510 heads to Vodafone UK, puts Jelly Bean on a budget By غير معرف - 5:11 م - Add Comment Huawei's G510 isn't what you'd call a screamer. In fact, the handset's more of what the Chinese market refers to as a ...
AndroidattGalaxySIiSkyrocketjellybeanKiesminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminisamsungSamsungGalaxySIiSkyrocket Jelly Bean update for AT&T's Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket now available By غير معرف - 5:10 م - Add Comment We've witnessed AT&T deliver a very fresh Android experience to a number of Samsung's galactic handsets in the past few mont...
AndroidattbellcincinnatibelljellybeanmobilepostcrossreviewrogerssmartphonesonyvideovideotronXperiaxperiazl Sony Xperia ZL review: a giant phone in a surprisingly compact frame By غير معرف - 5:02 م - Add Comment Sony took a rather unusual path with its flagship smartphone for 2013: it designed the hardware twice. The Xperia Z is ostensibly the star o...
AndroidatomChinaclovertrailclovertrailplusfeaturedfeaturesgeekhands-onidfidf2013inteljellybeanmobilepostcrossvideowirelesschargingXMM6260ZTE ZTE Geek unveiled with 2GHz Intel Clover Trail+ and a terrible name By غير معرف - 9:12 ص - Add Comment Oh ZTE you cheeky monkey. Towards the end of day one at IDF in Beijing, we stumbled upon this awkwardly titled Android Jelly Bean phone tha...
AndroidasusASUSMeMoPadjellybeanMeMoPadtablets ASUS' 7-inch MeMo Pad now on sale for $150 By غير معرف - 5:11 ص - Add Comment Cheap tablets are currently on the rise, but not just low-end hardware from manufacturers that you've probably never heard of -- true...
Androidandroid4.1attgalaxychatgalaxyexpressgalaxysiigalaxytab210.1galaxytab27.0jellybeanlumia920mobilepostcrossnokiarrsamsungstratosphereiit-mobileupdateverizonxperiatx Refresh Roundup: week of March 25th, 2013 By غير معرف - 5:36 ص - Add Comment Your smartphone and / or tablet is just begging for an update. From time to time, these mobile devices are blessed with maintenance refr...
Androidandroid4.2.1Android4.2.2FactoryImagefirmwaregalaxynexusgooglejellybeanminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminisamsungsmartphonesprintverizon Google posts Android 4.2.x factory images for Sprint and Verizon Galaxy Nexus models By غير معرف - 5:09 م - Add Comment Many would call the HSPA+ Galaxy Nexus the only true Nexus of its era. Still, Google is willing to treat the CDMA versions as equals, a...
80titanium97titaniumAndroidarchosceoFrancejellybeanloicpoiriertablettitanium Archos picks a new CEO, ships 80 and 97 Titanium tablets to the US By غير معرف - 3:14 م - Add Comment Archos has been going through some tough times lately, having to reorganize and lay off a quarter of its staff toward the end of last ye...
android4.1Android4.1JellyBeandroid4googlejellybeanmobilepostcrossmotorolaupdateverizonVerizonWireless Verizon to update the Droid 4 with Jelly Bean 4.1 starting tomorrow By غير معرف - 4:52 م - Add Comment It's always a good day when we can report on older handsets getting updated with some fresher software. If you happen to have bought ...
Androidandroid4.2blubluproductsjellybeanlifeonelifeplaylifeviewmobilepostcrossMT6589smartphone BLU Life Series phones include quad-core CPU, Android 4.2, start at $229 unlocked By غير معرف - 12:07 م - Add Comment Coming this April, BLU Products will have three new smartphones vying for your hard-earned dollar. The trio of dual-SIM handsets, known ...
BrazilD1D3jellybeanmobilepostcrossmotorolaMotorolaRazrRAZR Motorola outs RAZR D1, D3 in Brazil: dual-SIM support, Jelly Bean and more By غير معرف - 6:24 ص - Add Comment Folks around the interweb are still wondering what a certain unidentified Motorola smartphone could be, but while we wait for that myster...
Androidapplegoophonegoophonei5si5siphoneiphone5iphone5sjellybeankirfminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminismartphonevideo Goophone i5S KIRFs the iPhone 5S early, gives the iPhone 4S a run for its money (video) By غير معرف - 7:43 ص - Add Comment Ah, Goophone. The company that made its name keepin' it real fake with eerily similar clones of other companies' devices, sometimes ...
808pureviewandroid4.1android4.1.2blackberrycspirecyanogenmodcyanogenmod10.1galaxynexusGalaxyNotegalaxysiiihtcjellybeanlgMetroPCSmobilepostcrossnokiaonesonesvoptimus4xhdoptimusgpro Refresh Roundup: week of March 4th, 2013 By غير معرف - 8:05 م - Add Comment Your smartphone and / or tablet is just begging for an update. From time to time, these mobile devices are blessed with maintenance refr...
5.3-inchAndroidChinagooglejellybeanleaklenovominipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminiMT6589quad-coreS820S920 Lenovo S920 and S820 leak, could pack Android 4.2.1, quad-core CPUs and dual-SIM slots By غير معرف - 12:28 م - Add Comment Lenovo's still far from a boldfaced name when it comes to Android smartphones. Its Clover Trail+-packing K900 aside, the company's...
Androidandroid4.1android4.1.2jellybeanlgmobilepostcrossoptimusgsprintupdate LG Optimus G for Sprint updated to Android 4.1.2 By غير معرف - 5:34 م - Add Comment Today's been a good day for smartphone updates. In addition to the One X on AT&T and the Droid RAZR on Verizon both receiving bum...
Android 4.1android4.1droid razrdroid razr maxxDroidRazrDroidRazrMaxxjellybeanmobilepostcrossmotorolaverizon Motorola Droid RAZR and RAZR Maxx get updated to Android 4.1 By غير معرف - 4:47 م - Add Comment Today is the day for Jelly Bean updates on older carrier-branded devices, apparently. In this round, it's the Verizon-branded Motorola...
AndroidAndroid4.2.2aospgooglejellybeanmobilepostcrossnexusnexus4 Android 4.2.2 binaries arrive for AOSP-supported Nexus devices By غير معرف - 4:50 م - Add Comment Google has just provided a veritable boon to Android devs and custom ROM makers. The Mountain View company has recently uploaded the late...