14-inchbladecorei7gaminggeforceGeforceGtx765mhaswellintellaptopnvidiapre-orderrazer Razer puts 14-inch Blade up for pre-order By غير معرف - 4:16 ص - Add Comment Razer teased us when it unveiled the 14-inch Blade last week: a rare blend of portability with gaming performance, and we couldn't eve...
chronosdesktopeon17-sgaminggeforcegenesisgtx765mgtx770mgtx780mhaswelllaptopmillenniumnvidiaoriginpcPC Origin PC lineup makes the leap to Haswell, GeForce GTX 700M By غير معرف - 4:34 ص - Add Comment Origin PC makes a point of embracing game-friendly technology as soon as it arrives, and you'd better believe it's welcoming Haswell...
a10amddirectx11.1eyefinitygpgpugpugraphicsgraphicscorenextgx70hands-onlaptopmsiradeonradeonhd8900mradeonhd8970mrichland AMD unveils Radeon HD 8900M laptop graphics, ships them in MSI's GX70 By غير معرف - 6:00 ص - Add Comment Did you think AMD showed all its mobile GPU cards when it launched the Radeon HD 8000M series in January? Think twice. The company has just...
acerAcer Aspire R7AcerAspireR7aspire r7AspireR7hands-onlaptopultrabookultrabooksvideo Acer intros Aspire R7, a laptop with an adjustable display like an all-in-one By غير معرف - 3:06 م - Add Comment When Acer plans a global press event, asking journalists to fly in from twelve time zones away, you know it's going to announce more t...
e431e531ivybridgelaptoplenovoonelinks431thinkpadthinkpadedgewindows8 Lenovo unveils touchscreen ThinkPad S431, ships ThinkPad Edge E431 and E531 By غير معرف - 5:13 م - Add Comment Lenovo is giving fans of professional laptop chic a treat today: in addition to shipping the ThinkPad Edge E431 and E531, it's unveiling...
acerlaptopPCstartrekStarTrekIntoDarknessteasertiltvideowindows8 Acer teases May 3rd reveal of a tilt-screen laptop deemed worthy of Star Trek By غير معرف - 4:20 م - Add Comment Our eyebrows are officially raised. Acer has revealed that it's going all-in with a promotional connection to Star Trek Into Darkness , ...
ativbook 6laptopnotebooksamsungsamsung ativ book 6SamsungAtivBook6windows 8 Samsung leaks the ATIV Book 6: a regular Windows 8 notebook possibly headed to the US for $1,200 By غير معرف - 9:13 ص - Add Comment It's not a hybrid like the ATIV Smart PC, it doesn't run RT like the ATIV Tab or Windows Phone like the ATIV S, and yet the lapt...
beijingConvertibledetachablefeaturedfeatureshands-onhybrididfidf2013intellaptopportegePortegeZ10ttoshibaultrabookwindows8Z10t Toshiba's Portege Z10t detachable Ultrabook debuts at IDF By غير معرف - 8:51 ص - Add Comment Right after Intel's somewhat mundane announcement of the Ultrabook Convertible and Ultrabook Detachable sub-brands at IDF in Beijing,...
4gChromeBookPixelChromeOsgooglelaptopltepre-orderverizon Chromebook Pixel with LTE to ship by April 8th By غير معرف - 4:19 م - Add Comment For those that can swing a Chromebook Pixel in the first place, the LTE model may be the wisest choice when it promises always-on data f...
acerc7c710-2055chromebookChromeOsgooglelaptop Acer now selling C7 Chromebook with more battery life By غير معرف - 6:18 م - Add Comment When we got our hands on Acer's initial C7 Chromebook, our chief gripe was its frankly disappointing 4-hour battery life. We now kno...
amazonasusasusvivobookasusvivobooks500laptopmicrosoftwindows8VivobookS500windows8 ASUS VivoBook S500 / S550 Windows 8 laptops now on sale for $699 and up By غير معرف - 7:46 ص - Add Comment With Books, Pads, Tabs, Fones and the intriguing Transformer AiO, we can only wonder what else ASUS has in the stockroom. Recently liber...
consoleedgelaptoprazerrazeredgerazeredgeprotabletwindows8 Razer Edge pre-orders begin March 1st, price starts at $999 By غير معرف - 4:37 م - Add Comment If you were intrigued by the Razer Edge's impressive ability to transform from a tablet, to a la...
audiohands-onlaptopmobilepostcrossnxpsmartphonesoundtablettfa9887tfa9890videovolume Modded Nexus 7 shows why some phone and tablet loudspeakers are better than others (video) By غير معرف - 1:56 م - Add Comment We never used to take the speakers in phones or tablets very seriously. Frankly, we're not sure manufacturers did either. But the old ...
gaminggigabyteGTX660MlaptopmicrosoftP2742Gwindows8 Gigabyte P2742G gaming laptop goes up for sale in UK, priced at £909 By غير معرف - 6:54 ص - Add Comment Gigabyte unleashed the beast today with a 17.3-inch gaming laptop that's named, awkwardly enoug...