ATIV OdysseyAtivOdysseyleakltemicrosoftmobilepostcrosssamsungus cellularUsCellularwindows phoneWindows Phone 8windowsphoneWindowsPhone8wp8 ATIV Odyssey for US Cellular leaked in promo materials By غير معرف - 4:33 ص - Add Comment US Cellular's been promising a WP8 handset for quite some time now, and it looks like the company's about to deliver exactly that. A...
ascendevleakshuaweihuaweiascendw2leakmobilepostcrossw2Windows Phone 8WindowsPhone8 Huawei Windows Phone appears in render, said to be the Ascend W2 By غير معرف - 8:21 ص - Add Comment It feels almost unfaithful to the Ascend W1 to be looking at a potential sequel already, but that's what evleaks claims this is. How h...
gamegamesleakmicrosoftrumortrade-inusedgamesxboxxboxone يقال أن تجار التجزئة أطلع على كيفية عمل السوق المستخدمة في ألعاب "إكس بوكس واحد" By غير معرف - 2:52 م - Add Comment ب الكاد قد خافتة الأضواء المرحلة في حدث " واحد إكس بوكس " قبل الإنترنت بدأت تتخلص من نفسها مع أسئلة حول كيف كان...
atwalkevleaksleaklumia925mobilepostcrossnokiawindowsphone Nokia Lumia 925 leaked in low-res press shot By غير معرف - 9:46 ص - Add Comment If you're looking for details, you might be disappointed. We don't know much about the alleged Nokia Lumia 925 pictured above, ot...
Androidemotionuiemotionui1.6exclusivefeaturedfeatureshuaweileakmobilepostcrossp6-u06phonerichardyuspyshot New Huawei P6-U06 spy shots show off black, brushed metallic body By غير معرف - 4:06 م - Add Comment Quite frankly, Huawei's 6.18mm-thick P6-U06 is quickly becoming the company's worst leak in this half of 2013. Following yesterday...
Androidevleaksgoogleleakmobilepostcrossmotorolasmartphone Latest Motorola leak suggests company will make good on promises of stock Android By غير معرف - 4:47 م - Add Comment Motorola's been talking up its phones in the pipeline as of late, which are said to feature stock Android, broader carrier availability...
AndroidattcellphonekeyboardleakNECNECTerrainQWERTYsmartphoneTerrain NEC Terrain for AT&T spied in leaked press photos, packs a QWERTY keyboard By غير معرف - 5:24 م - Add Comment Memory of a time where an NEC phone graced US shores escapes us, but the prolific -- and often accurate -- @evleaks has tweeted a press ...
applebudgetbudgetiphoneCasechassischeapiphoneleakmobilepostcrossrumorshellTactus Alleged budget iPhone shows off polycarbonate body, brings back good memories By غير معرف - 7:58 ص - Add Comment The rumor about that more affordable iPhone just keeps coming back, but this time we're finally seeing some sort of progress. Court...
6.13mmChinaFind5finderleakmobilepostcrossoppo Oppo squashes the smartphone further, quad-core 6.13mm device rumored for late April By غير معرف - 4:23 م - Add Comment Slimline smartphones are kind of Oppo's thing. While the company's latest phone, the Find 5, was a trim 8.8mm, the Finder that cam...
apkfacebookfacebookappfacebookappsfacebookhomegoogleandroidHtcFirstleakmobilepostcross Get an early look at Facebook Home with these leaked pre-release APKs By غير معرف - 7:58 ص - Add Comment Facebook Home's making its official debut on the HTC First and a handful of big-hitting Android handsets this Friday, but MoDaCo has...
dmc-gf6gf6InterchangeableLensleaklumixMFTmicrofourthirdsmirrorlesspanasonic Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF6 leaks out in white ahead of April 9 launch By غير معرف - 7:56 ص - Add Comment After a review was published prematurely on another site revealing specs of Panasonic's Lumix DMC-GF6, Digicam Info has leaked press...
BlackmagicleaknabNAB 2013nab2013Production Camera 4KProductionCamera4k Blackmagic's Production Camera 4K gets full size cinema sensor, $3,995 pricetag By غير معرف - 7:54 ص - Add Comment No matter how hard companies try and keep secrets, when it comes to trade show floors there's always the risk that someone will snap...
evleaksleaklumia928microsoftmobilepostcrossnokiasmartphoneverizonwindowsphoneWindowsPhone8 Nokia Lumia 928 spied for Verizon Wireless By غير معرف - 4:05 م - Add Comment How does a US carrier get around AT&T's exclusivity of the Lumia 920? Why, it releases an exclusive of its own, of course. News of...
Chinaevleaksgrandxquadleakmobilepostcrossv987ZTE ZTE Grand X Quad shows up in product shots, @evleaks style (update: already available) By غير معرف - 11:30 ص - Add Comment Another day, another @evleaks leak. This time it's a pair of official product shots of the ZTE V987 we saw back in January, and appar...
Androidblogofmobileevleaksg700huaweileakmediatekmobilepostcrossMT6589MTK6589phone Huawei's Ascend G700 exposed, may be Ascend D2's cheaper cousin By غير معرف - 2:23 م - Add Comment Watch out, Richard Yu! Not long after the China launch of the 6.1-inch Huawei Ascend Mate earlier today, the notorious @evleaks tweeted o...
5-inch720pAndroidJellyBeanleakmobilepostcrossQuantumrumorSnapdragonS4sprintZTE This leaked 5-inch ZTE handset could be headed to Sprint's LTE lineup By غير معرف - 4:18 م - Add Comment Much of ZTE's MWC 2013 focus was its desire to go from white label to global brand name. And from the looks of these leaked shots, t...
Androidcolorgalaxy s iiigalaxysiiileakleakedminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminipurplesamsungsmartphonesprint Samsung Galaxy S III leaked in purple, pegged for April release on Sprint By غير معرف - 4:43 م - Add Comment Starting next month, Sprint loyalists will likely be able to get their paws around the Galaxy S 4. Or, if the budget has been a bit tight,...
galaxysivleakmobilepostcrosssamsungunpackednyc2013 Samsung Galaxy S IV gets detailed in extensive early preview, screen examined up close By غير معرف - 2:27 م - Add Comment We haven't exactly been lacking for leaks of Samsung's new Galaxy S IV ahead of its launch later today, but those looking for yet...
galaxys4galaxysivleakmobilepostcrosssamsung Galaxy S IV dam springs another leak with floating touch and SmartPause videos By غير معرف - 6:29 ص - Add Comment Samsung's been laying on the marketing glitz for the upcoming Galaxy S IV ahead its Samsung Unpacked 2013 event later today, perhaps b...
galaxys4galaxysivgs4gsivhoverleakmobilepostcrosss-pensamsungunpackednyc2013 Supposed Galaxy S IV leak resurfaces in high-res pics, lists more features and specs By غير معرف - 6:19 ص - Add Comment What is purported to be a dual-SIM equipped engineering sample of Samsung's Galaxy S IV popped up a few days ago in pictures and video...