ATIV OdysseyAtivOdysseyleakltemicrosoftmobilepostcrosssamsungus cellularUsCellularwindows phoneWindows Phone 8windowsphoneWindowsPhone8wp8 ATIV Odyssey for US Cellular leaked in promo materials By غير معرف - 4:33 ص - Add Comment US Cellular's been promising a WP8 handset for quite some time now, and it looks like the company's about to deliver exactly that. A...
Androidawsgalaxys4gs4ltelumia928minipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostmininokiasamsungverizonwindowsphone Verizon Galaxy S 4 to support AWS-based LTE through software update By غير معرف - 6:24 م - Add Comment While we already knew that Verizon slipped support for AWS-based LTE into its edition of the Galaxy S 4, it didn't say how those extra...
1010150mbpsbroadbandcat4ChristianDaigneaultcsle5776HongKonghotspothuaweiinternetlteltecat4mifiMobileHotspotone2freevideo الشركة محضرات شبكة هونغ كونغ LTE القط 4، يوفر 150 هواوي الساخنة المتنقلة ميغابت في الثانية By غير معرف - 11:00 ص - Add Comment مع هونغ كونغ يتميز إلى حد كبير أسرع سرعة الإنترنت متوسط على هذا الكوكب، لا عجب أن المدينة أيضا واحدة من الأول من طرح خدمة تجارية 150 ميغ...
lglteLTETDDmobilepostcrossoptimusgTDD Optimus G will be LG's first smartphone to pack LTE TDD By غير معرف - 1:19 م - Add Comment LTE TDD's not much of a thing in the US (other than on Clearwire), but it's widely used across Asia and in countries like Saudi Ara...
f5globallglgoptimusf5ltemidrangemobilepostcrossoptimusoptimusf5retailsmartphone LG Optimus F5 mid-range LTE smartphone hits France April 29, global dispersion to follow By غير معرف - 12:48 م - Add Comment LG's F-series handsets may not be in the same class an HTC One or GS4, but we can't help but appreciate the solid specs and LTE-go...
applefinancialsiphoneltemobilepostcrosssalesverizon Verizon sold 2 million iPhone 5s, 4 million iPhones in total during 2013 Q1 By غير معرف - 7:57 ص - Add Comment During Verizon's quarterly financials call, company CFO Fran Shammo let slip that of the 7.2 million smartphones that the company a...
appleawsiosiphone5ltemobilepostcrosst-mobileupdate iPhone 5 carrier update may bring T-Mobile LTE to unlocked GSM models By غير معرف - 5:55 م - Add Comment Word on the street is that an update will be hitting the iPhone 5 on April 5th that will turn on access to T-Mobile's LTE network on u...
awsltelteband4lumia810mobilepostcrossnokiat-mobile T-Mobile reverses course, reveals Lumia 810 won't be updated to support LTE By غير معرف - 8:43 ص - Add Comment We've some really unfortunate news to share with Lumia 810 owners who'd purchased the handset on T-Mobile's word that a softw...
4GLTEapplehands-oniphoneiphone5ltemobilepostcrosst-mobilevideo T-Mobile's iPhone 5 gets official: we go hands-on By غير معرف - 3:03 م - Add Comment Before today, using an iPhone on T-Mobile's network meant a compromise on speed: unlocked handsets would get service, but only on ED...
4gChromeBookPixelChromeOsgooglelaptopltepre-orderverizon Chromebook Pixel with LTE to ship by April 8th By غير معرف - 4:19 م - Add Comment For those that can swing a Chromebook Pixel in the first place, the LTE model may be the wisest choice when it promises always-on data f...
4gAndroidhuaweiHuaweiPremia4GlteMetroPCSmobilepostcrossPremia4G MetroPCS boosts budget LTE lineup with the Huawei Premia 4G, a 4-inch, ICS handset for $149 By غير معرف - 2:21 م - Add Comment All signs point toward the T-Mobile / MetroPCS merger becoming a formal thing pretty soon, but the Wireless for All carrier isn't wast...
lgltemobilepostcrosssalessmartphone LG announces 10 million LTE smartphones sold worldwide By غير معرف - 1:56 م - Add Comment It's been roughly two years since LG began its role in the LTE Revolution, but the company has just crossed an important milestone i...
chinamobilegalaxysiiiGuangzhoultemobilepostcrosssamsungShenzhentd-lte China Mobile begins TD-LTE trials in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, users need a Galaxy S III for now By غير معرف - 3:27 م - Add Comment It looks like China Mobile is making good on its promise to carry out TD-LTE trials this year: the carrier is launching test programs in...
ltemobilepostcrossPSASan FranciscoSanFranciscosprint PSA: Sprint LTE is now live in San Francisco By غير معرف - 4:58 ص - Add Comment Imagine our surprise when, upon firing up Sprint's Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 earlier today for some routine app updates, we saw the 4G logo li...
4ghotspotlteminipostMobileHotspotmobilepostcrossmobilepostmininetworkingroutersonic2.0t-mobile T-Mobile Sonic 2.0 LTE hotspot reportedly poses for a press image By غير معرف - 6:22 ص - Add Comment We've previously had just a smattering of text to hint that T-Mobile might kick off its formal LTE ...
BCM21892broadcomcarrier aggregationCarrierAggregationltelte-advancedmobilepostcrossmodem Broadcom outs smaller, more efficient LTE-Advanced modem for high-spec mobiles By غير معرف - 6:55 ص - Add Comment Welcome to the BCM21892. It may sound like every other piece of Broadcom silicon we've covered, b...
AndroidhtcICSltemobilepostcrossrefreshsoftwareThunderboltupdateverizon Android 4.0 officially rolls out to HTC Thunderbolt By غير معرف - 6:38 م - Add Comment Hades hath frozen over, folks: after nearly two years on the market, Verizon's very first LTE-cap...
128gbappleavailabilityipadIpad4thGenerationltewifi PSA: Get your 128GB iPads starting By غير معرف - 1:00 م - Add Comment If you like the very best, you'll be happy to hear that the biggest capacity, most expensive iPa...
blackberryz10galaxynoteiigalaxysiiiltelumia810mobilepostcrossnexus4nokiasamsungt-mobile Which T-Mobile smartphones will support LTE? By غير معرف - 10:05 ص - Add Comment It's no secret that T-Mobile is on the cusp of lighting up its first LTE network in Las Vegas, but...
AndroidICSlglteMetroPCSmobilepostcrossSpirit 4G LG Spirit 4G arrives on MetroPCS, delivers 4.5-inch display and ICS to the budget-minded crowd By غير معرف - 10:03 ص - Add Comment We are definitely no strangers to seeing MetroPCS bring well-priced, decently-specced Android handset...