appshipstamaticinstagramlumia925microsoftmobilepostcrossnokiaWindowsPhone8 Nokia marketing head: Customers' 'biggest complaint' is missing apps By غير معرف - 9:27 ص - Add Comment We managed to grab a quick chat with Nokia's Global Head of Smartphone Marketing, Vesa Jutila, following the global launch of the Lum...
araugmentedrealityfacebookhands-onheremapsjoblenslinkedinlumia925mobilepostcrossnokianokiajoblensnokialumia925video Hands-on with Nokia JobLens on the Lumia 925: what a way to make a living By غير معرف - 9:25 ص - Add Comment We're hoping we won't need to use Nokia's JobLens app for real any time soon, but at the Lumia 925 launch event, we thought we...
atwalkevleaksleaklumia925mobilepostcrossnokiawindowsphone Nokia Lumia 925 leaked in low-res press shot By غير معرف - 9:46 ص - Add Comment If you're looking for details, you might be disappointed. We don't know much about the alleged Nokia Lumia 925 pictured above, ot...