acerAcerAspireV3computexcomputex2013haswellminipostrefreshV3v7 Acer upgrades its PCs with Haswell, new models include the Aspire V7 Ultrabook By غير معرف - 4:11 ص - Add Comment This is hardly the biggest Acer news of the week (that would be this, this and this), but it's worth a PSA nonetheless. Now that Intel...
alienwareAlienwareX51dellhaswellminipostrefreshx51 Dell's Alienware X51 desktop gets Haswell, NVIDIA GTX 670 graphics By غير معرف - 4:10 ص - Add Comment For the most part, Dell's using this week at Computex to talk up its various XPS products, though its Alienware division is also gett...
Androidevleaksf3lgminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminiOptimus F3OptimusF3sprint LG Optimus F3 for Sprint shows up in deep purple, predicts mild summer By غير معرف - 4:35 ص - Add Comment We already saw a rendered image of the LG Optimus F3 break cover. Now we can get slightly better look at the entry-level Android offering...
Androidawsgalaxys4gs4ltelumia928minipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostmininokiasamsungverizonwindowsphone Verizon Galaxy S 4 to support AWS-based LTE through software update By غير معرف - 6:24 م - Add Comment While we already knew that Verizon slipped support for AWS-based LTE into its edition of the Galaxy S 4, it didn't say how those extra...
lenovominipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminismartphoneusYangYuanqing Lenovo hopes to sell smartphones in the US within a year By غير معرف - 2:06 م - Add Comment While Lenovo is one of the fastest-rising smartphone makers today, many Americans wouldn't know it when the company has never officia...
Androidgalaxys4gs4launchminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminisamsungsmartphoneverizon Verizon bumps up Samsung Galaxy S 4 launch to May 23rd By غير معرف - 4:27 م - Add Comment Disappoined that Verizon wasn't going to offer its variant of the Galaxy S 4 until May 30th? You're in for an unexpected treat: Bi...
hdpostcrosshdpostminimedia streamingMediaStreamingminipostnetflixplaystationplaystation 3playstation3programmingps3sony Netflix تحديثات المشغل على PS3 مع سرعة المسح الضوئي، وتبسيط إدارة الصوت By غير معرف - 4:16 م - Add Comment انظروا ، أننا ندرك جيدا أن أنت كنت فعلا التخيل عن 4 بلاي ستيشن ، و لكن كيف كنت تعتقد أن يجعل يشعر بك PS3 الموجودة ؟ (...
hdpostcrosshdpostminimedia streamingMediaStreamingminipostnetflixplaystationplaystation 3playstation3programmingps3sony Netflix updates Player on PS3 with faster scanning and streamlined audio management By غير معرف - 4:14 م - Add Comment Look, we're well aware that you're already fantasizing about the PlayStation 4, but how do you think that makes your existing PS3 ...
energyminipostnanotubephotosynthesisplantplantssciencesolarthylakoiduniversityofgeorgia جامعة جورجيا توقف عملية التمثيل الضوئي مصنع لتوليد الطاقة الشمسية By غير معرف - 4:02 م - Add Comment هناك طريقة أكثر كفاءة ل حصاد الطاقة من الفناء الخلفي من الأسلاك حتى المخلوقات التعساء . باحثون في جامعة جورجيا قد الإثبات...
ClosedCaptioningglasseshdpostcrosshdpostminiminipostregalRegalEntertainmentsonywearable Regal outfits almost 6,000 theaters with Sony closed-captioning glasses By غير معرف - 4:04 م - Add Comment Sony's subtitle glasses have been a long time coming. The US rollout began more than a year ago, but the gradual launch has left hard-...
cernIPKKilogramLoadCellmassMettlerToledominipostscaleSI تساعد الباحثين على إعطاء الكيلوغرام بما يوازي الأساسية By غير معرف - 3:03 م - Add Comment الكثير من ذعر العلماء ، أسطواني البلاتين الايريديوم القطع الأثرية التي تمثل الكيلوغرام (انظر الصورة أعلاه) قد تم تدريجيا ال...
htcHtcOneminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminionepromotrade-in HTC looks to boost One sales with new weekend promo, offers $100 to $375 for trade-ins By غير معرف - 4:36 م - Add Comment HTC has already gone the trade-in route to offer folks a discount on its new One smartphone, but it's now giving it another go this we...
bellblackberryblackberry10blackberry10.1canadafidokoodominipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminiQ10rogerssmartphoneTelusvirginmobile PSA: BlackBerry Q10 on sale in Canada, but only in Toronto By غير معرف - 4:56 م - Add Comment Today marks one of the symbolically more important launches in the BlackBerry universe: the Q10, the first keyboard-equipped BB10 phone, is...
608tAndroidChinachinamobilehtcjellybeanminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminismartphoneTD-SCDMAtenaa HTC 608t spied, brings dual speakers to a One SV-like design By غير معرف - 5:23 م - Add Comment HTC might be gearing up for a wider audio assault. Just days after the 606w made a pass through China's TENAA with stereo sound, a 60...
aircraftairplaneboeingiconiijetminipostnasasupersonictransportationVisualizedwindtunnel تصوير:بوينغ طائرة الركاب الأسرع من الصوت مفهوم تحلق في نفق الرياح، بهدوء By غير معرف - 12:46 م - Add Comment لا ، كنت لا تبحث في الحصول على معاينة مبكرة " حرب النجوم الحلقة السابع " -- أنها فقط قد تمثل مستقبل النقل الجوي...
comedyComedyWeekgooglehdpostcrosshdpostminiLiveStreamingminipostYoutube يوتيوب يطلق أسبوع الكوميديا في 19 أيار/مايو، ملامح تشكيلة ذات الأسماء الكبيرة By غير معرف - 4:28 ص - Add Comment سواء كان ذلك في السياسة أو لامع الموسيقى و أشرطة الفيديو ، يوتيوب له ب التأكيد قليلاً شيئا ل لجميع ( في الغالب) على interweb...
Androidappexploitlockscreenmessagingminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminisecuritysmartphonevibervideovoip Viber exploit lets attackers bypass Android lock screens, for now By غير معرف - 4:26 ص - Add Comment If you're an Android user who prefers Viber for VoIP and messaging, you may not want to leave your phone unattended in the near future...
4kAirPlayavr2700avr3700DLNAharmankardonhdpostcrosshdpostminiminipostreceiverultrahd Harman Kardon ships AVR 2700 and 3700 receivers with 4K scaling and AirPlay By غير معرف - 8:50 ص - Add Comment Now that Ultra HD TVs are poised to hit the market in force, it's more important than ever to have receivers that can handle them --...
AndroidattcarrierhtcHtcOneminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminionesensesmartphonesprint PSA: HTC One available today at AT&T and Sprint By غير معرف - 11:11 ص - Add Comment April showers might bring May flowers, but the only precipitation we really care for around here is that of flagship handsets into store...
Androidcyanogenmodcyanogenmod10.1jellybeanminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminisonyxperiatxperiatxxperiavXperiaZxperiazl CyanogenMod 10.1 nightlies reach Xperia Z and ZL, other recent Sony models By غير معرف - 5:06 م - Add Comment Sony has been friendlier than many of its mobile rivals toward outside code, backing AOSP efforts even when it has had to shoulder most of...