2nd-GenasusasustekgoogleNext-Gennexus7qualcomm Google and ASUS to release second-generation Nexus 7 tablet in July, says Reuters By غير معرف - 6:14 ص - Add Comment Google's next generation of Nexus 7 tablets from ASUS will be Qualcomm-powered and arrive this July, according to Reuters . If its...
accessoriesAndroidasusdockgooglegoogleplaynexus7peripheralstablet Nexus 7 dock reaches the Google Play Store: also, unicorns are real By غير معرف - 3:20 م - Add Comment The official Nexus 7 dock has been one of the more elusive beasts in the accessory world, especially for anyone who wanted it from an of...
asusasusfonepadatomfeaturedfeaturesfonepadhands-onintelMWCmwc-2013mwc2013nexus7video ASUS FonePad official: 7-inch tablet with phone functionality, priced at $249 (hands-on) By غير معرف - 8:54 ص - Add Comment We already knew ASUS was prepping a product called the FonePad, a 7-inch tablet with built-in phone functionality (yes, just like the new Sa...
Androidasusgooglehackinglinuxnexus7opensourcePenetrationTestingpwnieexpresspwnpadsecurityubuntu Pwnie Express launches the Pwn Pad, takes hackproofing on the road By غير معرف - 4:28 م - Add Comment Pwnie Express-made security tools like the Power Pwn have mostly been stationary creatures that aren...
AndroidasusAsusNexus7googlegooglenexus7nexus7 Nexus 7 WiFi + 3G model goes on sale in Japan February 9th By غير معرف - 5:41 م - Add Comment Google's Nexus 7 tablet will soon be freed from the tyranny of WiFi range in Japan, as the 32GB W...