14-inchbladecorei7gaminggeforceGeforceGtx765mhaswellintellaptopnvidiapre-orderrazer Razer puts 14-inch Blade up for pre-order By غير معرف - 4:16 ص - Add Comment Razer teased us when it unveiled the 14-inch Blade last week: a rare blend of portability with gaming performance, and we couldn't eve...
computex2013G750GeforceGtx765mnvidiarogrogg750sus ASUS ROG announces G750 gaming laptop with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 700M series graphics By غير معرف - 3:59 ص - Add Comment ASUS ROG has finally gone official with its new gaming rig. The ROG G750 ties together one of NVIDIA's latest mobile graphics card (on s...
computex2013directtouchhands-onJenHsunHuangmobilepostcrossnvidiastylusTegra4 NVIDIA CEO demos new stylus touchscreen tech, uses Tegra 4 image processing to reduce battery drain By غير معرف - 3:56 ص - Add Comment Elaborating from the battery-saving PRISM screen tech that we saw on Tegra 3 devices, the NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang showed off a new softw...
chronosdesktopeon17-sgaminggeforcegenesisgtx765mgtx770mgtx780mhaswelllaptopmillenniumnvidiaoriginpcPC Origin PC lineup makes the leap to Haswell, GeForce GTX 700M By غير معرف - 4:34 ص - Add Comment Origin PC makes a point of embracing game-friendly technology as soon as it arrives, and you'd better believe it's welcoming Haswell...
hands-onmobilepostcrossnvidianvidiashieldprojectshieldvideo Hands-on with NVIDIA Shield: NVIDIA's project turned product By غير معرف - 9:33 ص - Add Comment NVIDIA's Project Shield now has an official name (NVIDIA Shield), a release window ("by the end of June") and a price tag ($3...
Androidmobilepostcrossnvidianvidiashieldprojectshieldshield Project Shield becomes NVIDIA Shield, launches for $350 this June By غير معرف - 9:31 ص - Add Comment NVIDIA's "project not a product" just became a product: Project Shield is now NVIDIA Shield, and it's arriving this Jun...
directrenderingmanagerdrivergallium3dgraphicskernellinuxmobilepostcrossnvidiaopensourceTegrategra3 NVIDIA Tegra 3 open source code gets early 3D support By غير معرف - 2:52 م - Add Comment It's a given that NVIDIA's Tegra 3 can handle 3D -- unless you've been crafting a fully open source project around the chip,...
700mgpugeforcegt700mgpunvidia NVIDIA outs GeForce 700M GPUs for notebooks, boasts inclusion by 'every leading manufacturer By غير معرف - 4:30 م - Add Comment In NVIDIA's ongoing efforts to monopolize the technical-sounding graphics card market, the California-based components manufacturer to...
automotivecudaDevelopmentgpuinfotainmentjetsonkeplernvidiaopencvTegra NVIDIA details how its Jetson development kit creates smart, seeing cars By غير معرف - 3:21 م - Add Comment Developing a high-end in-car infotainment system can present challenges that don't exist in other platforms -- you're juggling c...
gpugraphicsGRIDnvidiaVCAVisualComputingAppliance NVIDIA's GRID VCA now available to graphic crunching pros at a cool $24,900 By غير معرف - 8:40 ص - Add Comment While it won't supercharge Crysis or other games like its upcoming Cloud Gaming device may, NVIDIA's GRID Visual Computing Applia...
gpugtc2013Jen-hsunHuangnvidiaroadmapvolta NVIDIA reveals Volta next-gen GPU platform By غير معرف - 4:16 م - Add Comment We're here at NVIDIA's GPU Technology Conference in San Jose, and company CEO Jen Hsun-Huang has just revealed the next step in it...
Ed KarrelsEdKarrelsnvidiaPiPi DayPiDayRecord Researcher breaks Pi calculation record with the help of NVIDIA By غير معرف - 12:12 م - Add Comment Yesterday's self-congratulatory pat on the back to anyone reciting Pi to ten digits might feel a bit inadequate compared to Santa Cl...
amdcpugpuhdpostcrossnvidiaplaystation4ps4sonytonytamasi NVIDIA opted out of PlayStation 4, cites Sony not offering enough money By غير معرف - 2:29 م - Add Comment Having produced the graphics chips that powered both the original Xbox and the PlayStation 3, it was a surprise to see NVIDIA's name l...
apexconsoledevelopergaminggpgpunvidiaphysicsphysxplaystation4ps4sdksonyVideoGames NVIDIA rolls out Apex and PhysX developer support for the PlayStation 4 By غير معرف - 1:10 م - Add Comment Just because the PlayStation 4 centers around an AMD-based platform doesn't mean that NVIDIA is out of the picture. The graphics firm i...
eMMCinandextrememinipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostmininvidiareferencesandiskstoragetabletTegra4 Tegra 4 reference tablets use SanDisk iNAND Extreme, mate a fast CPU with fast storage By غير معرف - 4:36 م - Add Comment It's well established that NVIDIA's Tegra 4 is at least reasonably quick. It's only quick...
Androidhands-onmobilepostcrossnvidiaphoenixreferenceTegrategra4ivideo NVIDIA Tegra 4i Phoenix reference phone hands-on (video) By غير معرف - 3:55 م - Add Comment NVIDIA's latest venture in the mobile world, called the 4i, was introduced last week ahead of Mobile World Congress, and fortunately th...
benchmarkbenchmarkshands-onmobilepostcrossnvidiaTegraTegra4 NVIDIA Tegra 4 benchmarked, breaks all sorts of speed records By غير معرف - 3:54 م - Add Comment When NVIDIA unveiled Tegra 4 back at CES, we scrambled to get hands-on with a reference device. And though our initial performance impres...
gpugtxtitanhands-onnvidianvidiatitantitan NVIDIA unveils the GTX Titan, an enormous graphics card that costs $1,000 (eyes-on) By غير معرف - 1:27 م - Add Comment NVIDIA's GTX Titan is rumor no more, as the American computer hardware company unveiled the superpowerful graphics card this mornin...
aftermathappleblackberrydellipadnumbersnvidiasamsungsonystatistics The After Math: Balsillie cashes out, Dell goes private and OUYA hits 481 By غير معرف - 5:43 م - Add Comment We crunched the numbers just after CES, while the organizers were barely tearing down hundreds of lav...