asialgmobilepostcrossOptimus G Prooptimusgpro LG's Optimus G Pro launching across Asia in June By غير معرف - 8:24 ص - Add Comment Right now, Asians who want LG's Optimus G Pro have to make a sneaky trip over to South Korea, but not for much longer. The handset wil...
Androidattlgmobilepostcrossoptimusoptimusgproreviewsnapdragon600 LG Optimus G Pro for AT&T: what's different? By غير معرف - 4:00 م - Add Comment Two Galaxy Notes and two Optimus Vus later, LG's ready to tackle the giant-sized smartphone niche, this time without the category's...
lgmobilepostcrossoptimusgpro مدينة نيويورك الصحافة الحدث في ال جي يهدف إلى 'مشاركة العبقرية' اوبتيموس برو ز By غير معرف - 4:22 م - Add Comment فقط على ال جي أن يلقي بعض الضوء اللازم في 1 أيار/ مايو في نيويورك الحدث . و تبين "عبقرية " الشركة سوف تحتفل تقف...
lgmobilepostcrossoptimusgproupdatevaluepackvideo LG Optimus G Pro update features detailed in a walkthrough video By غير معرف - 6:53 ص - Add Comment While the biggest question concerning LG's 5.5-inch Optimus G Pro -- when will it ship in the US -- remains officially TBA, the company...
500000Androidkorealgmobilepostcrossoptimusgprosales LG celebrates 500k Optimus G Pro sales in its home country By غير معرف - 8:42 ص - Add Comment We haven't even had the chance to see the 5.5-inch Optimus G Pro available outside Korea, but LG is already claiming a sales record. ...
eyerecognitioneyetrackinglgmobilepostcrossoptimusgprosmartphoneSmartVideovideo LG outs eye recognition tech for Optimus G Pro, other features in April update By غير معرف - 3:58 م - Add Comment Sure, there's been a lot of buzz about possible eye-based scrolling in Samsung's Galaxy S IV, but LG's in the eye-recognition ...
808pureviewandroid4.1android4.1.2blackberrycspirecyanogenmodcyanogenmod10.1galaxynexusGalaxyNotegalaxysiiihtcjellybeanlgMetroPCSmobilepostcrossnokiaonesonesvoptimus4xhdoptimusgpro Refresh Roundup: week of March 4th, 2013 By غير معرف - 8:05 م - Add Comment Your smartphone and / or tablet is just begging for an update. From time to time, these mobile devices are blessed with maintenance refr...
5.5-inchlglg-f240mobilepostcrossmwc2013northamericaoptimusgproquad-cores4prosnapdragonsnapdragon600 LG's 5.5-inch Optimus G Pro is the first with a Snapdragon 600 quad-core CPU By غير معرف - 4:55 ص - Add Comment LG finally showed off the XL 5.5-inch version of its upcoming Optimus G Pro at the end of a Facebook promo last week, and now it's r...
Androidlgmobilepostcrossmwc2013optimusgprosmartphonesnapdragons4prosouthkorea LG reveals 5.5-inch Optimus G Pro design with curved glass By غير معرف - 5:21 م - Add Comment Clearly, a lot of us wanted LG to reveal the design of the 5.5-inch Optimus G Pro as quickly as possible: just a day after a teaser, we...