lenovoNECpartnershipsmartphonesventure Lenovo investor statement fuels NEC smartphone partnership rumors By غير معرف - 4:15 ص - Add Comment NEC and Lenovo are already joined at the hip in the PC business, and rumors that the two will soon be smartphone partners as well continue...
hpleap motionleapmotionpartnership HP to bundle Leap Motion on select products, incorporate the tech in future devices By غير معرف - 5:05 م - Add Comment Leap Motion is shaping up to be 2013's hottest peripheral. Less than a year after the gesture-control technology was first announced, ...
gpsintelmappingmapsNavigationpartnershiptelmaptomtom TomTom to supply maps to Intel's Telmap, creates a total navigation app package By غير معرف - 4:27 م - Add Comment Intel scored access to code for location-based services when it acquired Telmap, but it didn't g...