asushands-onmobilepostcrossMWCmwc-2013mwc2013padfonepadfone2padfoneinfinitys4provideo ASUS PadFone Infinity announced: 5-inch, 1080p screen, Snapdragon 600 CPU and full HD tablet display (hands-on) By غير معرف - 8:50 ص - Add Comment You may have heard a new PadFone was on the way -- it's not like ASUS has been dropping obvious h...
5.5-inchlglg-f240mobilepostcrossmwc2013northamericaoptimusgproquad-cores4prosnapdragonsnapdragon600 LG's 5.5-inch Optimus G Pro is the first with a Snapdragon 600 quad-core CPU By غير معرف - 4:55 ص - Add Comment LG finally showed off the XL 5.5-inch version of its upcoming Optimus G Pro at the end of a Facebook promo last week, and now it's r...