3dmodelmodellingprojectorscannersensorsingle-pixeluniversityofglasgowvideo University of Glasgow makes 3D models with single-pixel sensors, skips the cameras By غير معرف - 3:18 م - Add Comment Most approaches to capturing 3D models of real-world objects involve multiple cameras that are rarely cheap, and are sometimes tricky to cal...
bankruptcybrotherdocumentimagingkodaksalescannerscanningstalkinghorse Kodak tentatively sells its scanning business to Brother for $210 million By غير معرف - 4:21 م - Add Comment Kodak as we once knew it has been shedding its identity piece by piece, and today it's selling off one of the more familiar cornersto...
Androidfilmiphonelomographymobilepostcrossperipheralsscannerslidesmartphonesmartphonefilmscanner Lomography Smartphone Film Scanner goes on sale for $59 By غير معرف - 6:16 ص - Add Comment Lomography's Smartphone Film Scanner has reached that moment that every crowdfunding project strives for, but often seems elusive: ev...