facebooksecuritysocial networkSocialNetworktrusted contactstrusted friendsTrustedContactsTrustedFriends فيسبوك يساعد بتسجيل الدخول مرة أخرى مع القليل من المساعدة من "جهات موثوق بها" By غير معرف - 4:24 م - Add Comment فيسبوك يريد لك ل تسجيل الدخول . الحقيقي سيئة . و لكن الشبكة الاجتماعية لم يذهب تقليديا من طريقها تبسيط استرداد كلمة المرور...
appchallengecontestencryptioniosmessagingredactredactsecuremessengersecurityUK Redact offers £10,000 if you crack its messaging app, bets UK government you can't By غير معرف - 5:12 م - Add Comment Software developers looking to kickstart (or simply brag about) their security have a common trick up their sleeve: give away prizes to s...
Androidappexploitlockscreenmessagingminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminisecuritysmartphonevibervideovoip Viber exploit lets attackers bypass Android lock screens, for now By غير معرف - 4:26 ص - Add Comment If you're an Android user who prefers Viber for VoIP and messaging, you may not want to leave your phone unattended in the near future...
applemobilepostcrosssecuritytwo-step Apple brings two-step verification to iCloud and Apple ID users By غير معرف - 2:25 م - Add Comment It's been a strong selling point from Google for security-minded users, and now Apple has finally come on board with a two-step verif...
intrepidusminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminisecurityZTE ZTE partnering with Intrepidus to secure future smartphones By غير معرف - 8:04 ص - Add Comment ZTE is building up quite a name for itself here in the US and as its market share grows, so too do the concerns about the company and its...
Androidasusgooglehackinglinuxnexus7opensourcePenetrationTestingpwnieexpresspwnpadsecurityubuntu Pwnie Express launches the Pwn Pad, takes hackproofing on the road By غير معرف - 4:28 م - Add Comment Pwnie Express-made security tools like the Power Pwn have mostly been stationary creatures that aren...
Androidcarrieriqftchtchtcloggersmobilepostcrossprivacysecuritysettlement HTC settles with the FTC over claims of insecurities in logging software By غير معرف - 4:21 م - Add Comment Much of the firestorm surrounding remote phone diagnostics in late 2011 ultimately enveloped Carrier IQ...
Chrome OSChromeOschromiumgooglehacksecurity Google details Pwnium 3, targets Chrome OS By غير معرف - 3:23 م - Add Comment Google's Chrome Security team has taking the wraps of its its latest Pwnium competition. This time...