mobilepostcrossndroid4.1smartphonesonysonyxperiasonyxperiamXperiaxperiam Sony unveils the Xperia M: 4-inch FWVGA display, dual-core 1GHz CPU, 5MP camera By غير معرف - 4:14 ص - Add Comment Sony's just announced a new handset will be joining its Xperia line-up this year: the Xperia M. Much like the Xperia L, it's aimed ...
4kfs700hdpostcrossIFR5nex-fs700NEX-IFR5RAWsony سوني يجلب 4K الخام إلى كاميرا NEX-FS700 من باب المجاملة IFR5 الوظائف الإضافية By غير معرف - 2:56 م - Add Comment FS700 سوني لديها الكثير الذهاب لأنه بغض النظر عن ك 4 المحتملة، ليس أقلها فيما يتعلق بحركة بطيئة سوبر إطلاق النار تصل إلى 240 إطارا في ال...
AndroidaospopensourcesonytabletXperiaxperiatabletz Sony brings Android Open Source Project to Xperia Tablet Z By غير معرف - 3:04 م - Add Comment Sony gifted its flagship Xperia Z smartphone with an Android Open Source Project (AOSP) build just last month, and now the stock operating ...
hdpostcrosshdpostminimedia streamingMediaStreamingminipostnetflixplaystationplaystation 3playstation3programmingps3sony Netflix تحديثات المشغل على PS3 مع سرعة المسح الضوئي، وتبسيط إدارة الصوت By غير معرف - 4:16 م - Add Comment انظروا ، أننا ندرك جيدا أن أنت كنت فعلا التخيل عن 4 بلاي ستيشن ، و لكن كيف كنت تعتقد أن يجعل يشعر بك PS3 الموجودة ؟ (...
hdpostcrosshdpostminimedia streamingMediaStreamingminipostnetflixplaystationplaystation 3playstation3programmingps3sony Netflix updates Player on PS3 with faster scanning and streamlined audio management By غير معرف - 4:14 م - Add Comment Look, we're well aware that you're already fantasizing about the PlayStation 4, but how do you think that makes your existing PS3 ...
e-booke-bookse-inke-papere-readere-readerseducationEInkepaperPrototypesonystylustablet سوني تكشف عن نموذج لائحة الحبر الإلكتروني 13.3 بوصة مع القلم، يهدف إلى وضعها في حقائب الطلاب By غير معرف - 9:37 ص - Add Comment سوني ليس غريبا على جهاز الحبر الإلكتروني الفردية ، و لكن إنشاء نموذج آخر لم يكن يستهدف المثقف ، أنه قد تهدف إلى تثقيف . ...
4.6-inchbraviaExmorFullHDmobilepostcrossSO-04EsonyUnderwaterPhotographyvideowaterproofxperiaaXperiaZr Sony Xperia ZR announced, allows underwater photography down to five feet of depth By غير معرف - 9:34 ص - Add Comment Sony's ratcheted up its water-resistant device tech a notch with the launch of the Xperia ZR, a new 4.6-inch, 720p Android smartphone ...
Developmentfeehdpostcrossplaystationmobileplaystationvitapsmobilepsvitapublishingsonyvita Sony lifting development license fee on PlayStation Vita and Mobile starting By غير معرف - 4:15 م - Add Comment Sony's already got a low barrier to entry for developers on its PlayStation Mobile platform, which encompasses the PlayStation Vita h...
ClosedCaptioningglasseshdpostcrosshdpostminiminipostregalRegalEntertainmentsonywearable Regal outfits almost 6,000 theaters with Sony closed-captioning glasses By غير معرف - 4:04 م - Add Comment Sony's subtitle glasses have been a long time coming. The US rollout began more than a year ago, but the gradual launch has left hard-...
activisioncallofdutycallofdutyghostsdurangohdpostcrossinfinitywardmicrosoftnintendonintendowiiuPCplaystationplaystation3playstation4sonyvideoWiiUxbox360 نداء الواجب: هي أشباح دخول هذا العام القد، توجهت إلى 360، PS3، PC و 'الجيل المقبل لوحات المفاتيح' في الخامس من تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر By غير معرف - 4:37 م - Add Comment مثل شادووجازينج Punxsutawney فيل، يمكن هو محق نتوقع "نداء الواجب" جديدة لعبة سيعلن سنوياً وتتوفر في الأعياد. أيضا، مثل صديقنا جر...
32GBavailabilitypre-ordersonyxperiatabletz Sony Xperia Tablet Z now up for pre-order, scheduled to ship May 24th By غير معرف - 4:57 م - Add Comment If you've been waiting for the least burdensome tablet you could find, Sony's 17.5 ounce, 6.9mm thick Xperia Tablet Z is now up for...
dualshockdualshock3playstation3ps3sony Make your PlayStation 3 look that much more like a Terminator robot with a 'Metallic Gray' DualShock 3 By غير معرف - 6:49 م - Add Comment Tired of how much your PlayStation 3 doesn't look like a Terminator robot? Us too, especially given that hilariously mechanical new to...
3dbinocularsDEV-50Vsonyvideo Sony's Digital Recording Binoculars score a huge boost with $2,000 DEV-50V By غير معرف - 6:11 ص - Add Comment Who, you say, might be the target customer for Sony's Digital Recording Binoculars? Your guess is as good as ours, but regardless of th...
cameracamerascyber-shotHX50Vsonysuperzoomvideo Sony introduces Cyber-shot HX50V, a small and light 30x superzoom By غير معرف - 6:07 ص - Add Comment There exists a type of photographer who can't quite get by with a pocketable compact, but also hesitates to commit to a full-size (and ...
Androidcyanogenmodcyanogenmod10.1jellybeanminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminisonyxperiatxperiatxxperiavXperiaZxperiazl CyanogenMod 10.1 nightlies reach Xperia Z and ZL, other recent Sony models By غير معرف - 5:06 م - Add Comment Sony has been friendlier than many of its mobile rivals toward outside code, backing AOSP efforts even when it has had to shoulder most of...
AndroidattbellcincinnatibelljellybeanmobilepostcrossreviewrogerssmartphonesonyvideovideotronXperiaxperiazl Sony Xperia ZL review: a giant phone in a surprisingly compact frame By غير معرف - 5:02 م - Add Comment Sony took a rather unusual path with its flagship smartphone for 2013: it designed the hardware twice. The Xperia Z is ostensibly the star o...
4kcodechdpostcrosshdpostminilonggopminipostsonyvideocodecsxavcxavc-s Sony announces Long GOP 4K codec for pros, XAVC-S for consumers By غير معرف - 5:12 ص - Add Comment If you were chomping at the bit to create content for the oncoming 4K revolution, Sony has just announced a couple of enhancements to its ...
bluetoothdualshockdualshock3mobilepostcrosssonyXperiaxperiasp Finally, you can bring a DualShock 3 with you to play mobile phone games By غير معرف - 5:06 ص - Add Comment On Sony's upcoming Xperia SP mobile handset, you'll be able to control various PlayStation Mobile titles using the PlayStation 3...
hdpostcrosslawsuitRedsony Sony responds to Red lawsuit with its own patent claims, seeks damages, injunction By غير معرف - 7:52 ص - Add Comment If we've learned anything from the patent wars it's that lawsuits beget lawsuits, and Red and Sony's budding spat is no except...
hands-onlensnab2013sonysony lensesSonyLensesvideo Visualized: Sony teases prototype 4K cameras and lenses at NAB By غير معرف - 7:49 ص - Add Comment At its NAB 2013 press conference, Sony told us several times that it never stops thinking about the future. It's fitting, then, that in...