appaudioiosradioslackerstreamingstreamingmusic Slacker lures 6 million new listeners, makes profit on both free and paid users By غير معرف - 4:22 م - Add Comment When Slacker launched its big software overhaul in February, many were skeptical that a refresh could bring it back to prominence. Apparen...
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appaudioiosiphonemobilepostcrossmusicrdioStreamingAudiostreamingmusic Rdio on iPhone now shows which friends are listening, web streaming hits seven countries By غير معرف - 6:19 م - Add Comment Listen enough to Rdio on the desktop and you'll know your friends' taste in music when they're fellow subscribers. As of a f...
Androidappaudiohdpostcrossiphone5musicsonosSonosControllerStreamingAudiostreamingmusicwidget Sonos app gets universal favorites, Android widget and iPhone 5 tweaks By غير معرف - 6:51 ص - Add Comment Ask a Sonos listener about flaws in the Controller app and you'll often hear about three sticking...
Androidaudiohdpostcrossmobilepostcrossmusicmusicunlimitedplaystation3ps3sonySonyEntertainmentNetworkstreamingmusicwalkmanweb Sony upgrades Music Unlimited to 320Kbps streaming on Android, PS3 and the web By غير معرف - 5:45 م - Add Comment Higher quality audio is a staple of the experience for a growing number of streaming music services,...
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