computex2013directtouchhands-onJenHsunHuangmobilepostcrossnvidiastylusTegra4 NVIDIA CEO demos new stylus touchscreen tech, uses Tegra 4 image processing to reduce battery drain By غير معرف - 3:56 ص - Add Comment Elaborating from the battery-saving PRISM screen tech that we saw on Tegra 3 devices, the NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang showed off a new softw...
e-booke-bookse-inke-papere-readere-readerseducationEInkepaperPrototypesonystylustablet سوني تكشف عن نموذج لائحة الحبر الإلكتروني 13.3 بوصة مع القلم، يهدف إلى وضعها في حقائب الطلاب By غير معرف - 9:37 ص - Add Comment سوني ليس غريبا على جهاز الحبر الإلكتروني الفردية ، و لكن إنشاء نموذج آخر لم يكن يستهدف المثقف ، أنه قد تهدف إلى تثقيف . ...
BambooBambooStylusMinistyluswacom Wacom unveils crayon-esque Bamboo Stylus mini for tablets and smartphones By غير معرف - 8:48 ص - Add Comment Wacom wants to make sure there's no buyer's remorse for those who didn't pop for a pen-equipped device, so it added the Bamboo...
creativePenPressureSensitivestylustabletwacom Wacom teases upcoming HD mobile tablet for 'creative uses' By غير معرف - 4:39 م - Add Comment Wacom's dipped its electronic quill in a lot of stylus-enabled tablets, but hasn't yet done what many of its creative pro users w...
investmentmobilepostcrosssamsungstyluswacom Samsung buys five percent stake in stylus-maker Wacom, strikes manufacturing deal By غير معرف - 10:08 ص - Add Comment You don't have to look much further than the millions of Galaxy Notes sold to realize that Samsung...
cppluscpplus2013hands-onolympusstylusvideoxz-10 Olympus Stylus XZ-10 packs control ring and PEN-like AF, we go hands-on at CP+ (video) By غير معرف - 10:07 ص - Add Comment We have to say, Olympus has a very compelling point-and-shoot to show off at CP+. The Stylus XZ-10, which launched just this week, includes...