microsoftPCpromotionSurfacesurfacerttablettouchcovertypecoverWindowswindowsrt مايكروسوفت الترويجي: شراء Surface RT، والحصول على غطاء لوحة مفاتيح مجاناً By غير معرف - 2:05 م - Add Comment لا شك أن Surface RT يأتي إلى جانبها مع غطاء لوحة مفاتيح ؛ لا يمكننا أن نتصور استخدام الكمبيوتر اللوحي غير مزين . و لا Mic...
Androidkeyboarddocktablettriple-bootubuntuwindows8 Python S3 is a new tablet that can't decide: boots Ubuntu, Android and Windows 8 By غير معرف - 3:12 م - Add Comment Ubuntu tablets may not be particularly new, but thanks to its liberal build, things can get a bit more interesting when another OS is adde...
AndroidaospopensourcesonytabletXperiaxperiatabletz Sony brings Android Open Source Project to Xperia Tablet Z By غير معرف - 3:04 م - Add Comment Sony gifted its flagship Xperia Z smartphone with an Android Open Source Project (AOSP) build just last month, and now the stock operating ...
8-inchgalaxy tab 3galaxytab3samsungSM-T310SM-T311tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 will reportedly have an 8-inch variant By غير معرف - 10:56 ص - Add Comment When Samsung revealed the third iteration of its Galaxy Tab line, it was met with a somewhat underwhelming reception. But the Korean firm...
microsoftproSurfaceSurfaceProtabletUKUnitedKingdomwindows8 Microsoft Surface Pro coming to the UK on May 23rd starting at £719 By غير معرف - 5:28 م - Add Comment Microsoft has a good excuse for the Surface Pro's late arrival in the UK: the company claims that demand in the US stripped its cupboard...
Androidarchoschefpadtablettablets Archos launches ChefPad, a 9.7-inch Android tablet for your kitchen By غير معرف - 9:22 ص - Add Comment Does your kitchen need a 9.7-inch Jelly Bean tablet to call its own? No, it certainly does not. But if your budget can accommodate such a de...
Androidcrowdfundinge-paperearllgoutdoorruggedSolarPowersqiglesqigle earlSqigleEarltablet Sqigle's Earl tablet brings Android to the wilderness with e-paper, solar power By غير معرف - 4:28 م - Add Comment Although there's no dearth of rugged tablets, most are still built on the assumption that civilization is close at hand. Sqigle, howe...
e-booke-bookse-inke-papere-readere-readerseducationEInkepaperPrototypesonystylustablet سوني تكشف عن نموذج لائحة الحبر الإلكتروني 13.3 بوصة مع القلم، يهدف إلى وضعها في حقائب الطلاب By غير معرف - 9:37 ص - Add Comment سوني ليس غريبا على جهاز الحبر الإلكتروني الفردية ، و لكن إنشاء نموذج آخر لم يكن يستهدف المثقف ، أنه قد تهدف إلى تثقيف . ...
appapplebluetootheKeyiosipadiphoneiPod touchipodtouchKevoKēvoKwiksetlockmobilepostcrossSmartLocksmartphonetabletUniKeyvideowireless ويدخل كويكسيت كيفو، قفل الهاتف الذكي الصديقة بواسطة UniKey By غير معرف - 4:13 م - Add Comment أنها ليست المرة الأولى التي كويكسيت ل هواية في إقفال لاسلكية ، و لكن اليوم إدخال Kēvo ، الهاتف الذكي -- (و الكمبيوتر اللوحي-) ...
aceratomiconiaiconiaw3PCtabletw3windows8z2760 Acer Iconia W3 reportedly leaks, mates an 8-inch tablet with Windows 8 By غير معرف - 4:25 م - Add Comment Microsoft has repeatedly told us that we'll see smaller Windows 8 tablets, but all that talk has amounted to precious little walk. If...
carbontabletcorei3corei5corei7inhontabletTabletPctaiwantouchcoverwindows8 Inhon Carbon Tablet unfolds for a CPU boost, wields a Surface-style keyboard By غير معرف - 8:49 ص - Add Comment Believe it or not, Inhon has a wilder concept up its sleeve than the extra-light Blade 13 Carbon laptop. Its equally new Carbon Tablet at...
cellphoneminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminine2neweverytwosmartphonetabletupgradesverizonwireless Verizon upgrade eligibility extends to a full two years, New Every Two credits expire April 15th By غير معرف - 10:21 ص - Add Comment Verizon subscribers, we hope your device habits don't revolve too closely around that 20-month upgrade cycle: it's about to get l...
accessorycovergooglenexus10samsungtablet Google bestows the Nexus 10 with covers, available now for $29.99 By غير معرف - 6:59 ص - Add Comment Sure, you may own the highest res Android tablet on the block, but is your Nexus 10 really all that special when it's as naked as ev...
microsoftslateSurfaceSurfaceProsurfacerttabletupdatewifi Microsoft releases Surface RT and Pro updates, aims to fix WiFi issues again By غير معرف - 8:49 ص - Add Comment Surface RT devices have already scored two updates that aim to fix problems with 'limited' WiFi connectivity, and now Microsoft ...
GalaxyNotegalaxynote8learninghubmusichubsamsungsamsungexperiencesamsunggalaxynotesamsunggalaxynote8tabletUK Samsung Galaxy Note 8 arrives at one UK store: £339 for the WiFi-only, 16GB model By غير معرف - 2:48 م - Add Comment Have you been feeling a bit like a UK-based Goldilocks? The Galaxy Note II's too small, the Note 10.1 a trifle too big, but the Note 8...
microsoftnookresolutiontabletwindows8windowsrtwook Microsoft allows Windows 8 to run on smaller displays: is a reader-sized Surface on its way? By غير معرف - 3:39 م - Add Comment Until now, Windows 8's official hardware requirements have been understandably ruthless: devices with anything less than 1,366 x 768 ...
AndroidapprovalfccfilingsonytabletwifiXperiaxperiatabletz Sony Xperia Tablet Z passes through the FCC in WiFi trim By غير معرف - 4:12 م - Add Comment Sure, we've seen Sony dissect the Xperia Tablet Z to show its inner workings, but that doesn't get the slate any closer to its spr...
80titanium97titaniumAndroidarchosceoFrancejellybeanloicpoiriertablettitanium Archos picks a new CEO, ships 80 and 97 Titanium tablets to the US By غير معرف - 3:14 م - Add Comment Archos has been going through some tough times lately, having to reorganize and lay off a quarter of its staff toward the end of last ye...
Androidappconciergegooglenowjapanminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostmininttdocomopredictiveraku-rakusearchsmartphonetablettap-de-concier NTT DoCoMo trials Tap-de-Concier service with a Google Now flair By غير معرف - 3:34 م - Add Comment Japan's NTT DoCoMo isn't content waiting for Google Now to become commonplace before it gives customers a taste of predictive se...
dellDell Latitude 10DellLatitude10Latitude 10Latitude10reviewtablet Dell Latitude 10 review: a business-friendly Windows tablet with great battery life By غير معرف - 11:33 ص - Add Comment We've been making the grand tour of Windows 8 hybrids running low-powered Atom processors, and our latest stop is Dell's Latitude ...