garmingpsinfotainmentmercedesmercedes-benztomtom Garmin to power future Mercedes-Benz infotainment systems By غير معرف - 5:54 م - Add Comment It looks like Garmin has managed to lock down a very solid deal following its automotive group's compelling demo at CES. The company...
gpsintelmappingmapsNavigationpartnershiptelmaptomtom TomTom to supply maps to Intel's Telmap, creates a total navigation app package By غير معرف - 4:27 م - Add Comment Intel scored access to code for location-based services when it acquired Telmap, but it didn't g...
gpsmotorcycleridertomtomtomtom riderTomtomRider TomTom Rider motorcycle GPS gets refresh, for those born to be guided By غير معرف - 5:11 م - Add Comment It seems a safe bet that any contemporary Easy Rider reboot would be vastly different from its predecessor. For one thing, there's th...