aereobostonhdpostcrosslivetvnycstreamingtvvideo تلفزيون Aereo خدمة تحديث خطط التسعير قبل بوسطن By غير معرف - 4:12 م - Add Comment لقد كنا حريصة على محاولة الخروج من خدمة البث التلفزيون في أرو ، الذي يقوم ب إرسال المحتوى البث المباشر ل لأجهزة عبر الإنتر...
comcastLogitechSkypeTelepresencetvXfinity Comcast يقال أن تكنولوجيا سكايب على Xfinity 1 يونيو By غير معرف - 1:06 م - Add Comment حسنا ، يمكن أن يتوقع فكرة كومكاست ل شحن المستخدمين 10 دولار شهر ل أجهزة فك التشفير سكايب ذهب كذلك يمكنك . إذا كانت مصادر ...
hdpostcrossNielsenNielsenRatingstvtvratings نيلسن يشمل شبكة الإنترنت المشاهدين للمرة الأولى، ويقدر أن هناك الآن 115.6 مليون تلفزيون منازل في الولايات المتحدة By غير معرف - 4:02 م - Add Comment عقب قرص في كيف تعرف نيلسن المنازل مع أجهزة التلفاز ، و قد لاحظت تراجعا في انخفاض سنتين من إعداد التلفزيون المنزلية . هذ...
3d3dTvBespokecustomdvrhdpostcrossloewereferenceidtelevisiontvUK Loewe Reference ID TV hits the UK in July with full customization and a 1TB DVR By غير معرف - 4:45 م - Add Comment Loewe has staked its success in the TV market on personalized designs, and it's taking that concept to its logical extreme with the up...
cloudhdpostcrossinternetlgLgCloudsmartphonesynctelevisiontv LG Cloud rolling out in over 40 more countries by late May By غير معرف - 6:54 م - Add Comment Although LG jumped into the deep end of the online services pool when it launched LG Cloud last year, it didn't have much to brag abo...
4kamazonhdpostcrosshdpostminiminipostqvcseikitelevisiontigerdirecttvultrahd Seiki officially prices its 50-inch 4K TV at $1,500 with a late April launch By غير معرف - 4:20 م - Add Comment When Seiki's 4K TV set popped up on retail listings with a price that's just a fraction of what we've seen from its more expen...
Developmenthdpostcrosspanasonicplasmaresearchrumortelevisiontvvierazt60 Panasonic buries rumors of plasma TV's death By غير معرف - 2:24 م - Add Comment A certain demographic of home theater connoisseurs has fretted for a few weeks over talk that Panasonic might end plasma TV production and...
aereoattcontentcourthdpostcrosslegalprogrammingtelevisiontv Aereo wins a crucial court battle, opens up partnership talks with ISPs and pay-TV providers By غير معرف - 8:55 ص - Add Comment Something tells us the US Court of Appeals for the Second District has no intentions to kid around with its latest decision, despite it c...
cableDave WeidnerDaveWeidnerhands-onhdpostcrossMyriadset-top boxSet-topBoxsocial networkingSocial TVSocialNetworkingSocialTvtvvideo Myriad Social TV brings social networking to your cable box (hands-on video) By غير معرف - 3:20 م - Add Comment The marriage of social networking and television is nothing new, but Myriad recently launched Social TV, a white label solution which allow...
dragontvhdpostcrosshdpostminiminipostnuancepanasonicsmarttvtelevisiontvVoiceControlVoiceRecognition Panasonic 2013 Smart TVs wield Nuance Dragon TV for voice control, text-to-speech By غير معرف - 3:17 م - Add Comment Panasonic and Nuance have been close partners on TV voice recognition in the past; we now know that they're getting a bit cozier for...
adapterelugaxhdpostcrosshdpostminijapanminipostMiracastpanasonicsmartphonestreamingtelevisiontvvideo Panasonic brings out a Miracast adapter for Japanese TV viewers By غير معرف - 11:36 ص - Add Comment It's easy to snag a Miracast-capable device if you're willing to shop for a brand new TV or a set-top box. but it's much toughe...
alacartebundlebundlingfiostvhdpostcrossprogrammingtelevisiontvverizon Verizon in talks to charge for TV channels based on real viewing time By غير معرف - 4:48 م - Add Comment Few of us like paying for TV we don't use, and there's been attempts to fix a broken model that makes TV providers pay for channe...
DesignLinehdpostcrossPDL8908Philipstelevisiontvvideo Philips DesignLine TV is a seamless square pane of glass (video) By غير معرف - 12:03 م - Add Comment Folks with an eye for unusual design likely had their interest piqued by Samsung's "Timeless Gallery" TV stand, but now a n...
Androidhdpostcrosshomesyncmwc2013samsungtvvideo Samsung HomeSync Android TV box hands-on (video) By غير معرف - 2:05 م - Add Comment Yesterday, Samsung announced the HomeSync Android TV box, and as expected that device is making an appearance here on the MWC 2013 show ...
hdpostcrossmwc2013samsungtvtvdiscoveryvideo Samsung Video Discovery hands-on By غير معرف - 2:03 م - Add Comment Samsung's really playing up its media chops here at Mobile World Congress. In addition to demoing the new HomeSync Android box, the K...
appgooglehdpostcrossiosipadiphoneipodtouchmobilepostcrossps3streamingvideotvxbox360Youtubeyoutubecapture YouTube for iOS adds send-to-TV pairing, lets you skip the media hub By غير معرف - 3:37 م - Add Comment Those running the dedicated YouTube app for iOS have had TV streaming for awhile... as long as there was an Apple TV in between. Google...
Androidgoogletvhdpostcrosshdpostminiinternetplayerminipostnsz-gs7sonytelevisiontvupdateYoutube Sony NSZ-GS7 update brings Google TV's By غير معرف - 4:30 م - Add Comment Someone must have declared it Google TV Update Week without telling us: just days after a Vizio Co-Star...
appleAppleTVAppleTV2hdpostcrossMemphiztvXBMC XBMC now available for Apple TVs with software update 5.2 By غير معرف - 4:25 م - Add Comment Jailbroken Apple TVs with software update 5.2 (iOS 6.1) snagged Bluetooth keyboard compatibility roughl...
dreamworkshdpostcrosshdpostminiminipostnetflixoriginalstreamingvideotelevisionturboturbofasttv Netflix and DreamWorks to launch original show for kids in December By غير معرف - 5:16 م - Add Comment While Netflix is trying to lure in the grown-ups with the launch of House of Cards , it's not le...
appdijithdpostcrossmisotv Dijit acquiring Miso, plans to give you even more to do while you watch TV By غير معرف - 8:59 ص - Add Comment Having already declared war on the grid, TV remote / guide app maker Dijit is taking GoMiso under its ...