Androidawsgalaxys4gs4ltelumia928minipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostmininokiasamsungverizonwindowsphone Verizon Galaxy S 4 to support AWS-based LTE through software update By غير معرف - 6:24 م - Add Comment While we already knew that Verizon slipped support for AWS-based LTE into its edition of the Galaxy S 4, it didn't say how those extra...
Androidgalaxys4gs4launchminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminisamsungsmartphoneverizon Verizon bumps up Samsung Galaxy S 4 launch to May 23rd By غير معرف - 4:27 م - Add Comment Disappoined that Verizon wasn't going to offer its variant of the Galaxy S 4 until May 30th? You're in for an unexpected treat: Bi...
galaxys4mobilepostcrosssamsungsmartphoneverizon Samsung Galaxy S 4 for Verizon signup page goes live By غير معرف - 8:46 ص - Add Comment Want to be sure that you don't miss the arrival date of the Galaxy S 4 on Verizon? Naturally, you could keep a keen eye on Engadget...
applefinancialsiphoneltemobilepostcrosssalesverizon Verizon sold 2 million iPhone 5s, 4 million iPhones in total during 2013 Q1 By غير معرف - 7:57 ص - Add Comment During Verizon's quarterly financials call, company CFO Fran Shammo let slip that of the 7.2 million smartphones that the company a...
Androiddroidbionicgooglejellybeanminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminimotorolasmartphoneupdateupgradeverizon Motorola Droid Bionic starts receiving Jelly Bean update, the love it needs By غير معرف - 4:19 م - Add Comment There's no question that the Droid Bionic has had a rough life between long delays, a more popular cousin and slow updates. Both Motor...
carrierdevicepaymentplanminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminismartphoneupgradeupgradesverizonwireless Verizon confirms 12-month Device Payment Plan for phones is launching April 21st By غير معرف - 3:48 ص - Add Comment Look: we know many on Verizon aren't happy that the carrier has revealed plans to lengthen its upgrade intervals right as smartphone u...
cellphoneminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminine2neweverytwosmartphonetabletupgradesverizonwireless Verizon upgrade eligibility extends to a full two years, New Every Two credits expire April 15th By غير معرف - 10:21 ص - Add Comment Verizon subscribers, we hope your device habits don't revolve too closely around that 20-month upgrade cycle: it's about to get l...
Droid Incredible 4G LTEDroidIncredible4gLteHow Would You ChangeHowWouldYouChangehtcHWYCmobilepostcrossverizon How would you change the Droid Incredible 4G LTE? By غير معرف - 7:51 ص - Add Comment Last summer, Verizon users who wanted an LTE-capable flagship had a stark choice: Samsung's Galaxy S III, or the Droid Incredible 4G L...
evleaksleaklumia928microsoftmobilepostcrossnokiasmartphoneverizonwindowsphoneWindowsPhone8 Nokia Lumia 928 spied for Verizon Wireless By غير معرف - 4:05 م - Add Comment How does a US carrier get around AT&T's exclusivity of the Lumia 920? Why, it releases an exclusive of its own, of course. News of...
lglucid2mobilepostcrossverizonvs870 LG Lucid2 available at Verizon for free on April 4th, entry-level smartphone lovers rejoice By غير معرف - 6:04 م - Add Comment The original LG Lucid came to Verizon just a little over a year ago as a midrange device, and today we got word that its sequel, the Lucid...
Androidandroid4.1attgalaxychatgalaxyexpressgalaxysiigalaxytab210.1galaxytab27.0jellybeanlumia920mobilepostcrossnokiarrsamsungstratosphereiit-mobileupdateverizonxperiatx Refresh Roundup: week of March 25th, 2013 By غير معرف - 5:36 ص - Add Comment Your smartphone and / or tablet is just begging for an update. From time to time, these mobile devices are blessed with maintenance refr...
Androidandroid4.2.1Android4.2.2FactoryImagefirmwaregalaxynexusgooglejellybeanminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminisamsungsmartphonesprintverizon Google posts Android 4.2.x factory images for Sprint and Verizon Galaxy Nexus models By غير معرف - 5:09 م - Add Comment Many would call the HSPA+ Galaxy Nexus the only true Nexus of its era. Still, Google is willing to treat the CDMA versions as equals, a...
Androidbloatwarecarrierbillinggamesportalgamingmobilegamingmobilepostcrossplayphonesdksmartphoneverizon Verizon to preload PlayPhone-backed Games Portal on Android devices By غير معرف - 3:09 م - Add Comment Carriers often want to provide unique device software as a lure for their services -- like it or not -- and gaming is undeniably one of t...
4gChromeBookPixelChromeOsgooglelaptopltepre-orderverizon Chromebook Pixel with LTE to ship by April 8th By غير معرف - 4:19 م - Add Comment For those that can swing a Chromebook Pixel in the first place, the LTE model may be the wisest choice when it promises always-on data f...
android4.1Android4.1JellyBeandroid4googlejellybeanmobilepostcrossmotorolaupdateverizonVerizonWireless Verizon to update the Droid 4 with Jelly Bean 4.1 starting tomorrow By غير معرف - 4:52 م - Add Comment It's always a good day when we can report on older handsets getting updated with some fresher software. If you happen to have bought ...
alacartebundlebundlingfiostvhdpostcrossprogrammingtelevisiontvverizon Verizon in talks to charge for TV channels based on real viewing time By غير معرف - 4:48 م - Add Comment Few of us like paying for TV we don't use, and there's been attempts to fix a broken model that makes TV providers pay for channe...
bestbuyblackberryblackberry10blackberryz10carriermobilepostcrosssmartphoneverizonz10 Verizon BlackBerry Z10 launching March 28th, pre-orders begin March 14th By غير معرف - 3:55 م - Add Comment It was AT&T's turn earlier this week, and now it's Verizon's. Big Red has confirmed that its edition of the BlackBerry Z10...
allthingsdhtcHtcOnemobilepostcrossverizonverizonhtcone HTC One headed to Verizon after all, says AllThingsD By غير معرف - 3:48 م - Add Comment If you read the comments on our HTC One review, you'll find a lot of cheesed-off Verizon customers wondering why Big Red isn't p...
Android 4.1android4.1droid razrdroid razr maxxDroidRazrDroidRazrMaxxjellybeanmobilepostcrossmotorolaverizon Motorola Droid RAZR and RAZR Maxx get updated to Android 4.1 By غير معرف - 4:47 م - Add Comment Today is the day for Jelly Bean updates on older carrier-branded devices, apparently. In this round, it's the Verizon-branded Motorola...
AndroidhtcICSltemobilepostcrossrefreshsoftwareThunderboltupdateverizon Android 4.0 officially rolls out to HTC Thunderbolt By غير معرف - 6:38 م - Add Comment Hades hath frozen over, folks: after nearly two years on the market, Verizon's very first LTE-cap...