In-flightWifiinternetsatelliteviasatviasat-1viasat-2wifi Boeing استغلالها لبناء الأقمار الصناعية ViaSat-2، إطلاق مجموعة لمنتصف عام 2016 By غير معرف - 5:12 م - Add Comment - حصل مؤخرا رقماً "قياسياً عالمياً في موسوعة جينيس" كالأقمار الصناعية أعلى القدرات في (أو أصل) في العالم، ولكن قد تحتاج لجهة إي...
AmpedAmped WirelessAmpedWirelessTan1wifiwireless Amped Wireless' TAN 1 WiFi adapter for Windows 8 arriving for $60 By غير معرف - 5:10 م - Add Comment Amped Wireless' long-gestating TAN 1 may look like a chocolate bar, but you'd probably regret dunking it in your coffee. The high-p...
G6LumixG6MFTmicrofourthirdsMid-Rangemirrorlessnfcpanasonicwifi Panasonic's 16-megapixel Lumix G6 unveiled with 7fps burst, NFC, WiFi By غير معرف - 6:30 ص - Add Comment Panasonic has just announced a new mid-range Micro Four Thirds camera, the Lumix G6, that brings a solid list of specs for a mid-range c...
802.11aca6200beamformingbeamformingplusnetgearnetworkingr6300routerupdatewifi Netgear 802.11ac update adds beamforming, delivers up to 60 percent faster WiFi By غير معرف - 4:26 م - Add Comment Although Netgear was one of the quickest out of the gates with 802.11ac WiFi hardware, that doesn't mean its hardware is the quickest ...
appleapple tvAppleTVhdpostcrossissuesreplacementwifi Apple said to be offering replacements for 'very small number' of Apple TVs with WiFi issues By غير معرف - 5:08 م - Add Comment The Apple TV has seen its share of issues crop up and then be fixed by software updates, but it looks like at least some are proving to b...
microsoftslateSurfaceSurfaceProsurfacerttabletupdatewifi Microsoft releases Surface RT and Pro updates, aims to fix WiFi issues again By غير معرف - 8:49 ص - Add Comment Surface RT devices have already scored two updates that aim to fix problems with 'limited' WiFi connectivity, and now Microsoft ...
bb10blackberrydeltaFreeWifiGogomobilepostcrosswifiz10 يمكن للمستخدمين استخدام BlackBerry Z10 مجانا على متن الطائرة بخاصية WiFi By غير معرف - 4:24 م - Add Comment التعلق واي فاي الجزر تلبية الخاص من صنع بلاك بيري عصا : و Z10 . ربما لأن قاعدة مستخدميها توددت تقليديا دعم المشاريع قوي - ال...
cameradmc-gf6gf6lumixmicrofourthirdsmirrorlessnccpanasonictaiwanwifi كاميرا باناسونيك لوميكس GF6 يمر من خلال شهادة تايوان مع WiFi By غير معرف - 4:19 م - Add Comment قد انحرف الدعم باناسونيك للواي فاي في تقريرها مايكرو أربعة الأثلاث الكاميرات حتى الآن نحو نهاية عالية . شكرا لايداع جديدة في...
802.11acac1200d-linkdir-850lnetworkingrouterwifiWirelessRouter D-Link ships its AC1200 802.11ac WiFi router / thermos doppelganger By غير معرف - 5:09 م - Add Comment True, D-Link's AC1200 may better resemble the container keeping your coffee hot at work than a traditional WiFi router, but it remai...
bluetoothCMT-BT60BCMT-BT80WBsonyspeakerspeakerswifi Sony speakers combine NFC and WiFi / Bluetooth for minimal streaming effort By غير معرف - 5:06 م - Add Comment The whole syncing thing proving too much effort for your music listening habits? Fear not -- two new streaming speakers from Sony are embr...
AndroidapprovalfccfilingsonytabletwifiXperiaxperiatabletz Sony Xperia Tablet Z passes through the FCC in WiFi trim By غير معرف - 4:12 م - Add Comment Sure, we've seen Sony dissect the Xperia Tablet Z to show its inner workings, but that doesn't get the slate any closer to its spr...
galaxys4galaxysivhpminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminiprinterprintingsamsungsmartphonewifiwirelessprinting HP and Samsung offer setup-free printing on the Galaxy S 4, with others to follow By غير معرف - 5:47 ص - Add Comment As ubiquitous as wireless printing has become, there remains the occasional hoop to jump through for printing from mobile devices if you...
AdafruitDIYinternetofthingsmakerprintervideowifiwireless Adafruit's new Internet of Things Printer goes wireless, uses Raspberry Pi (video) By غير معرف - 1:57 م - Add Comment Adafruit's just outed a new Internet of Things Printer kit that's traded in its ethernet connection for WiFi. Instead of using ...
microsoftminipostSurfacesurfacertSurfaceWithWindowsRttabletupdatewifiwindowsrt Microsoft pushing Surface RT update to tackle WiFi and performance issues By غير معرف - 5:20 م - Add Comment If you've had any sustained glitches with your Surface RT, check for a software update -- Micros...
128gbappleavailabilityipadIpad4thGenerationltewifi PSA: Get your 128GB iPads starting By غير معرف - 1:00 م - Add Comment If you like the very best, you'll be happy to hear that the biggest capacity, most expensive iPa...