Canon 50D gains video recording through Magic Lantern RAW hack
It may be time to dust off that Canon 50D you purchased back in 2008. The folks behind the Magic Lantern firmware add-on have pulled yet another rabbit out the proverbial hat (or is it lantern?) by enabling RAW video recording on the APS-C-based DSLR. What's even more impressive is that the 50D lacks video support out of the box, so this new-found functionality is truly magical. This hack comes hot on the heels of the Magic Lantern team coaxing the Canon 5D Mark II / III into capturing 24 fps RAW video. With the firmware add-on installed, the 50D is capable of shooting video up to 1592 x 1062 pixels at 30 fps. There are some caveats, though. First, there's no audio recording since the camera lacks a microphone input and associated electronics. Second, capturing RAW video requires fast CF cards (at least UDMA 6). Third, we now fully expect to see the 50D skyrocket in value on the used market. Hit the break for a few sample videos.

