appleauthenticationhdpostcrossiosiphonemobilepostcrossnickelodeonTvEverywhereviacomvideoxbox360 نيكلوديون يجلب مسلسلات يتدفقون إلى فون الآن، أجهزة إكس بوكس 360 الشهر القادم By غير معرف - 2:12 م - Add Comment نيكلوديون صدر تطبيق باد مع كامل الحلقة الجري مرة أخرى في شباط/فبراير ، و لكن الآن فتحت تحديثًا الأمور تصل إلى أي فون و أي...
22CanscuriosityexperimentalgamegamingiosipadiphonemobilepostcrossPeterMolyneuxSocialGame المكعب الرباعي الابعاد ل بيتر مولينكس الآن مفتوحة، ومحتويات ما زالت لغزا By غير معرف - 2:22 م - Add Comment بعد سبعة أشهر من التنصت على تعاونية ، فضول التجربة بيتر مولينكس في النهاية على مدى : المكعب مفتوح . ا لاستوديو في مولينكس ، 2...
appapplebiosensorcradledockiphonemobilepostcrossNFSphotonic crystalPhotonicCrystalsensorspectrometertricorderUrbana-Champaignvideo iPhone بيوسينسور مهد ينقلنا خطوة واحدة أقرب إلى وجود تريكورديرس By غير معرف - 3:46 م - Add Comment أنه يبدو و كأنه كل يوم نحن في الحصول على أقرب قليلاً إلى وجود تريكورديرس ، و اليوم ليست استثناء . الباحثون في جامعة إلينوي...
appapplebluetootheKeyiosipadiphoneiPod touchipodtouchKevoKēvoKwiksetlockmobilepostcrossSmartLocksmartphonetabletUniKeyvideowireless ويدخل كويكسيت كيفو، قفل الهاتف الذكي الصديقة بواسطة UniKey By غير معرف - 4:13 م - Add Comment أنها ليست المرة الأولى التي كويكسيت ل هواية في إقفال لاسلكية ، و لكن اليوم إدخال Kēvo ، الهاتف الذكي -- (و الكمبيوتر اللوحي-) ...
appapplegooglegooglenowiosipadiphoneipodtouchmobilepostcrossupdatevideo Google Now available on iOS devices starting today By غير معرف - 4:59 م - Add Comment When it comes to major news, we didn't expect to hear much from Google in the run-up to I/O, but clearly, the company just couldn't ...
appledataiphonemobilepostcrossprivacysiri أبل تؤكد أنها تحتفظ البيانات سيري لمدة تصل إلى سنتين By غير معرف - 3:52 م - Add Comment ليس سراً أن أبل توقف على البيانات الخاصة بك سيري لبعض فترة من الزمن (كغيرها من الشركات مع بيانات البحث وما شابه ذلك)، ولكن لم يكن واضحا ب...
applebudgetbudgetiphoneCasechassischeapiphoneleakmobilepostcrossrumorshellTactus Alleged budget iPhone shows off polycarbonate body, brings back good memories By غير معرف - 7:58 ص - Add Comment The rumor about that more affordable iPhone just keeps coming back, but this time we're finally seeing some sort of progress. Court...
applefinancialsiphoneltemobilepostcrosssalesverizon Verizon sold 2 million iPhone 5s, 4 million iPhones in total during 2013 Q1 By غير معرف - 7:57 ص - Add Comment During Verizon's quarterly financials call, company CFO Fran Shammo let slip that of the 7.2 million smartphones that the company a...
appleiphoneiphone5mobilepostcrosst-mobileUnCarrier PSA: Pick up your T-Mobile iPhone 5 today By غير معرف - 10:20 ص - Add Comment It's really happening. Starting today, you'll be able to pick up an iPhone 5 with that Magenta hue. T-Mobile's offering the d...
carrierupdateiphoneiphone5mobilepostcrosst-mobileupdate T-Mobile carrier update for unlocked iPhones now available, bringing Visual Voicemail and LTE support By غير معرف - 2:53 م - Add Comment We had a pretty clear indication that a carrier update would soon be available to help bring unlocked GSM iPhones onto T-Mobile's ne...
A1428appleexclusiveiphoneiphone5mobilepostcrossonsalet-mobileUnCarrierunlocked PSA: T-Mobile's iPhone 5 pre-orders start rolling today By غير معرف - 2:46 م - Add Comment If T-Mobile's recent event cussed you into wanting one of its tweaked A1428 iPhone 5s with LTE, AWS HSPA+ and no contract strings att...
appdroplriosipadiphoneminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostminiPushNotificationSocialNetworkingtwittertwitterrific Twitterrific 5.2 brings push notifications, one handful of testers at a time By غير معرف - 5:19 م - Add Comment More than a few iOS-based Twitter users were happy to see Twitterrific 5 appear late last year with a fresh design, but were less than th...
applegalaxynoteiihands-onhtcHtcOneiphoneiphone5mobilepostcrosssamsungt-mobile T-Mobile LTE speed tests on Note II, HTC One and iPhone 5 By غير معرف - 3:05 م - Add Comment Wondering whether T-Mobile's LTE network has the chops to live up to the "smokin'" adjectives we had thrown our way thr...
4GLTEapplehands-oniphoneiphone5ltemobilepostcrosst-mobilevideo T-Mobile's iPhone 5 gets official: we go hands-on By غير معرف - 3:03 م - Add Comment Before today, using an iPhone on T-Mobile's network meant a compromise on speed: unlocked handsets would get service, but only on ED...
addapptcontactsGroupMessaginggroupsiosiphoneipodtouchmessagingminipostmobilepostcrossmobilepostmini Addappt goes public, gives iOS users group contact control and messaging By غير معرف - 3:24 م - Add Comment While Addappt has been teasing painless contact syncing between iOS-using friends and colleagues since its December launch, its invitati...
AndroidautomaticAutomaticLinkautomobilebluetooth4.0carhands-oniosiphoneodb-iiodbiivideo Automatic Link connects phone and car for better driving, we go hands-on (video) By غير معرف - 5:43 ص - Add Comment Scanners that can read data from your car's OBD-II port (which is in every car built since 1996) aren't exactly new; they're...
appleiFoneiphonelawsuitMexicomobilepostcrosssuittrademark Apple's claim to iPhone trademark in Mexico gets a nail in the appeals coffin By غير معرف - 4:55 م - Add Comment Apple's already lost hope for exclusive rights to the name "iPhone" in Brazil, and now it's been defeated in another ba...
appapplecbscontentiosipadiphonemobilepostcrossprogrammingstreaming CBS brings full episode streaming in HD to iPad, iPhone and iPod touch By غير معرف - 2:30 م - Add Comment Welcome to the 21st century, CBS. Following in the footsteps of NBC, TBS, TNT, ABC and a smattering of others, CBS has launched a new iOS ...
Androidfilmiphonelomographymobilepostcrossperipheralsscannerslidesmartphonesmartphonefilmscanner Lomography Smartphone Film Scanner goes on sale for $59 By غير معرف - 6:16 ص - Add Comment Lomography's Smartphone Film Scanner has reached that moment that every crowdfunding project strives for, but often seems elusive: ev...
alcoholAndroidbreathalyzerbreathometercrowdfundingdrinkingfdaindiegogoiosiphonemobilepostcrossvideo Breathometer lets phone users keep alcohol in check from a keychain (video) By غير معرف - 6:45 ص - Add Comment Who knew that smartphone owners were suddenly such temperate drinkers? Just days after Alcohoot unveiled its take on a phone-friendly brea...