The Samsung Galaxy Note II was first up, and that delivered a very healthy average of 40Mbps down over three runs, with upload speeds hovering around 25Mbps. The HTC One came second (sadly, there's no GS 4 to test) and speeds there averaged 25Mbps down and about 12 up. Finally, we tested two separate iPhone 5s and, interestingly, saw different speeds. The first averaged 26Mbps down, the second 18 -- despite being tested at the same time. Download speeds hovered around 10Mbps and pings were always very good, typically under 50ms.
So, as ever numbers vary widely from test to test, but the network can certainly deliver some impressive numbers on average. Of course, how it performs with the crush of thousands of subscribers remains to be seen. T-Mobile CEO John Legere told us the company has plenty of bandwidth and encouraged subscribers to "bring it." That they will, John.